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This is Nathaniel Sickler just updating my previous page to make it a better site for everybody to see and to describe myself and all I stand for. I pray that all of this will actually be read by someone and if not I'll force each of you to do this. For the sake of doing this, I'm just going to say a little about myself and hope someone will actually read this. By the way EMAIL ME PPL! I'm losing my mind from boredom!

About Me

Full Name Nathaniel Lee Sickler
Birthdate Dec. 2, 1987
Hobbies Chattin with friends, music, reading, writing, and thinking ( yes thats right thinking).
Activities (where to start) 4-H, Junior Leaders, HS Bowling, League Bowling, Running, NJHS, and Band
Girlfriend Jesse Matthews
Best Friends Jess, Ash, Kristin, Sarah, Tasha, Katie, David, Kyla, Deb, and Dallas
Future Plans Not Sure Yet
Best Teacher Time, but it kills all it's pupils
Favorite Class English
Fav. Quote Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Fav. Poet Robert Frost
Fav. Playwrighter William Shakespear
Fav. Song Amazed-Lonestar

Honorable Song Mentions

You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones
Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen
Don't Want to Miss a Thing- Aerosmith


Jessica - Babe, Thanks for always being there for me! I love you with all of the love that my heart possesses and more, and never forget that I'm here for you! *kiss* *kiss*
Kristin - Hey there! I have a real bone to pick with you! No not really, I'm just kiddin, I really should thank you more often for everything that you've done. That talk you gave me before Christmas really helped! I will miss you! Oh, and a part of you will ALWAYS be with me.
Ashley - HAHA you just got kicked of my list
Ted - What is there to say about you? I mean really. You're a good friend, always willing to help whenever i need to be shown something. Oh, and remember there is no spoon.
Sarah - Do as you wish and don't let me stop you. I am merely a light on the road of life and will only show the divisions of the road to help you to make a decision.
Katie D. - GO Junior Leaders! Power to the people! What left is there to say, but thanks!
Dr. Dave - Alright bro thanks for everything man! You helped me get in touch with who i really am and I apreciate it. Peace!
Kyla - MAKE MORE NOISE!!! You are way to quiet for the people you hang out with! Nah, be who ya are! But we need more cowbell!
Deb - Oh geez... what to say what to say. Nah you've always been there for me to talk to and I appreciate it a lot. Go BOXES!
Dallas - What is there to say? Other than go paper footballs, go paper airplanes, and go QUEEN!


That's right a section of it's own to one of my hobbies. There are only two poems I want to post here and I'll spare you from the longer ones I have written. The first is written to my love and the second in one of my darkest hours, while my feelings of endurance and optimism still reign higher than a wish to give up.

My Silent Tears

Oh silently... I cry tonight
With all obstacles behind me
If I could just make it all alright
Then love for all you'd see

If this life, would treat me right
I know all would see the dove
And if this night, I hold you tight
I'd give you all my love

But as I sit alone right here,
And to myself I weep
For you a shed a silent tear
To show you all I keep

But as you know, life is unfair
Your eyes I will not see
Whether it be of truth or dare
Although I know I'll show thee

So in the end, my sweetest dream
Before me came to truth
The final tear on light does beam
My love shall be your truce


I feel as if I am not whole
Yet nothing is missing
My insides are now out
Yet I shall not bleed
My body has been torn
Yet I still move
My emotions stolen as gold
Yet I shall shed no tears
My head isn't missing
Yet why am I lost?
My heart has been taken
Yet I shall live
My life is now gone
Yet I still shall breathe
My life will continue
Yet why is there pain?


First, and foremost, I must thank God for everything that he has given me. I have a bounty of friends ( I don't mean this in a cannibalistic way) that have been there for me, and it is all thanks to him. For he has always been there for me through the good times and the bad, and my love for him is unconditional. I don't believe there will ever be a time in my life that I will turn my back on him, and he has never turned his back on me.

Most people would put here family, and to me some of my family has been an inspiration, but I find that for the most part my inspiration for all things comes from my friends. Jess, Kristin, and Ted you three have shown me so much, and from this I have shaped myself to the person I currently am, and am forever in your debt for the aid that you have given me. I shall not forget this and each of you are in my mind for everything that you have done for me. You've touched my heart and forever will your hand and fingerprints be forever embedded within it. So may you always know that my thoughts are with you and that I am truly gracious for everything that you have done to aid me in my times of trouble and triumph.

The Past

Oh what a terrible thing this past is to me. It has taken me places I never dreamed of going, and the road of life itself at one point made a complete U-Turn. Although life has thrown quite a bit at me, here I am. I'm not going anywhere fast. I vow to keep with each of you for as long as possible. Some of my previous troubles still haunt me to this day, some dating back 6 years even, but here I am. Alas my past is finally behind me, and that which was troublesome to me before is now just a small detour instead of a wrong turn. Now a few passages from Shakespear's King Henry the Sixth P1 that I would like to share.

Act II SceneIV

Between to hawks which flies the higher pitch
Between two dogs which hath the deeper mouth
Between two blades which bears the better temper
Between two girls which hath the merriest eye;
I have perhaps some shallow spirit of judgment
But in this nice sharp quillets of the law
Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw

To me this basically says that who are we to judge each other, who are we to put people into groups, although all you who read this already agree i felt it puts down arrogance and other such forms of discrimination. Here's to the disfunction society in which we all live. Aboloshing it is hell, and keeping it the same as the former. At least this way people are happy... not that they exist.

Oh... and this is just going to be where I type my thoughts for the moment. Well, we are each of us gods living out each of our lives. We are not all-knowing, nor are we all-powerful, but what would there be if your mind were dysfunctional? Nothing would be the same. The way you saw everything would be different, and from this the entire world would change. So, live out your happy lives believing that YOU are God. The creator of heaven and Earth. We are each of us alone, and never forget that I'm here for you.

This is Just a link to take a quiz that I did. It basically prooves that one day I am going to be a complete basket case, if I have not progressed to this thus far. HAHAHA!!!

I'm mad as a hatter!
Find out if you're insane at!