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Awards This Site Has Won

CM award    Critical Mass Award

Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, excellent design, clever graphics, beautiful artwork and photos, and you have provided your visitors with content that is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy tribute and a positive contribution to the Web.

    Maritime Web Award

Thanks to the various TITANIC films, I am sure that most people have never stopped to consider what the officers and crews did before that fateful night in 1912. Your website, in a very concise and "no-nonsense" way, has stated the career history of William Murdoch in a clear, informative way. Many of the websites we review have many, many pages, but you have proved that volume does not always lead to quality, because in no more than half a dozen pages, you have captured the subject clearly.

Excellence Web Site Awards    Community Excellence Award

If a web site has been awarded the "Excellence" award, you can be sure its content is up to date and relevant. The site has been reviewed and is deemed to be easy to navigate and suitable for any aged audience. Above all the site is a leader in its field.

Historical Award    Joseph's Historical Award

Creativity Award    Joseph's Creativity Award

ALOHA AWARD - Click here to nominate a site!    Aloha Award

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