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News & Dates
FEI Jr. & YR Clinic
with Albrecht Heidemann and Shelley Lauder
September 15th and 16th, 2003
Dressage Canada adopts USA tests for 2003
The Tests
Nova Scotia Regional Championships
August 30th and 31st
New Brunswick Regional Championships
August 23rd and 24th
Do you have news? Let us know!

"With flowing tail and flying mane
With nostrils never stretch'd by pain,
Mouths bloodless to the bit or rein;
And feet that iron never shod,
And flanks unscar'd by spur or rod,
A thousand horse - the wild - the free -
Like waves that follow o'er the sea -
Came thickly thundering on."
--George Gordon, Lord Byron, Mazeppa

Cadora NS Cadora Junior Members
Nova Scotia Cadora NS Junior Cadora Newsletter
Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation Chat!
Equine Canada NS Jr Cadora Forum
Your link here!
Equine Science
University of Guelph
Your link here!
Atlantic Veterinary College
University of Prince Edward Island
Your link here!
Your link here!
Dressage Canada
Your link here!

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hits since January 1, 2002