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Our site has been down for a few days.
Our internet provider changed from 
@home to Insightbb during the weekend
of 2-16-02. As of 2-23, they still do not
have the web access available.
We have uploaded the web to a temporary
site, but hopefully, in a week or so, we will 
be in a permanent web home.

For a temporary fix, until our 
internet provider gets their act together, go to
and you can visit most of our pages. 
Some links may not be working, but most are. 
Thanks and let me know 
what links aren't working. I'm trying!
link should also work.

Email us at: 

Come back in  a little while and cruise.


We last updated this web site for you on
Saturday, February 23, 2002

old gloryOur Indiana State Flag


This many Metropolitan Fans have visited our site:



We are glad you decided to visit!!!  We are the 
Hoosier Mets
a car club dedicated to the preservation of the 
Nash Metropolitan.
We are an active chapter of the
Metropolitan Owners Club of North America.
Through this web site, we hope to provide you
with information about the Met and at the same time,
 entertain you. Have a little patience while this page loads. 
It's worth the wait. We hope you enjoy the ride....

There are links at the bottom of this page to help
you navigate our site.

Our site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 4x +
To enjoy all the animations and fun interactive
items on our site, you might want to use IE.

Why not join the Hoosier Mets club.
Click this link to go to our membership forms
page and choose your favorite way to pay your dues.
Our yearly dues are STILL only $5 and now
you can email your membership information, and pay via
Let's go there now.......



Remember, the Hoosier Mets 
web address has changed.
Please update your links 
so you can come here with ease 




Would you like to tell a friend about the Hoosier Mets web site?
Here is a form that will let you do just that! 
Let's tell the world
about the Nash Metropolitan

Tell A Friend!

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The Hoosier Mets Club is proud to show off our
latest web site design award! Our site was chosen as
one of just a few to receive the Golden Web Award
given by the International Association of Web Masters and Designers.
This award is presented to those sites whose web design, 
originality and content have achieved levels
of excellence deserving of recognition.
We are happy that our site has won this award.

Feel Free to Email Jenni Current,
Hoosier Mets Webmaster

Jenni and Rex and their '54

Hit Counter


Here are some links to help you navigate our site
Please email us if any links don't work


Nash Metropolitan Dealers Selling Great Stuff!
Metropolitan Classified Ads, Read the ads, Post your own!
Nash Metropolitan Collectables
Metropolitan Radio Schematic, tubes, pictures
How to convert your Metropolitan from positive to negative ground
Metropolitan Production Numbers
Met Message Board.. Ask or Answer Met related Questions
Metropolitan Specs & Chronicles month by month stats 1953 - 1962
History of the Metropolitan
Nash Metropolitan Metlennium 2000 Car Show
Guest Book. Please take time to sign ours.
Nash Metropolitan Clubs and Chapters
Join Hoosier Mets and MOCNA
How we celebrated our 10 year anniversary
Ignition Switch/Headlight diagram
Post your Metropolitan Related event here
Pictures of Hot Rod Nash Metropolitans
Info on the MOCNA Central Regional 2002
Key Dates for Changes to the Metropolitan
Take a look at some old Met Collector Cards
Hoosier Mets on the 'Net (Nash Metropolitans)
Order Nash Metropolitan Stuff
Hoosier Mets gather in Brown County State Park with Smoky Bear
Send a Nash Metropolitan Email Greeting Card