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GC Page News!

03/09/02- After many months of writers blocks and put off's and attempts, Episode 18 is finally here for your viewing pleasure. and the winner of the Marreta+Anastasia contest is D.L.! He was voted the most with noth drawings by the Secret Council: The CCSquad! Light Gem bio is up and the pictures for these two students are now in their profiles as well.

10/02/01- Aquilia's background story is completed and posted, with Li's background story on the way. Episode 18 is still currently in production. As well, the GC Contest is now officially over. Winners will be posted along with the completed episode 18.

08/31/01- Episode 17 is posted. That means it's near the end of my contest. Episode 18 wil reveal the winners once the contest closes, so get your entries in and fast!

08/30/01- Added some more pictures for my original anime. Three of the bad guys. See ya!

08/14/01- Added Teresa Martin's entries for the drawing contest. Time's running out so get your entry in soon!

08/07/01- Changed episode order, which makes for an extension for the contest. I need at least one more entry for each character. So now there's an episode before the deadline episode. Please enter! I also added more pics to page 2 of drawings and more pics for misc. drawings. See ya!

06/29/01- Leaving for Quebec for five weeks. Won't be able to respond to emails and stuff because I wont be allowed to talk, listen to, or write english except to my family. I added 5 drawings of characters from my original anime as a treat as something fresh. Contest is running probably till September, who knows. Anywho, wish me luck! See ya in August!

06/13/01- Added two more contest entries and have filled three of the five slots on the secret judge council. Mwa ha ha. See ya!

06/03/01- Added Damon's bio, and updated Eriol and Suppi's bios.

05/24/01- Got some entries posted for the contest. Just go into the contest link and click on the entries link at the bottom of the page. Need more entries! See ya later!

05/22/01- Changed an episode name for 18 because of a new plot being worked on. Episode 17 in the works, which means time's running out. Get in your entries for the drawing contest soon! ^_^

05/19/01- Sorry for the lack of updates. Episode 16 of Gemcaptors is now posted, and as well the Create and Move Gem bio's. The guide has been updated as well. See ya!

05/01/01- I added 4 more pics to the drawing section (Misuteri & Mikomi Syona, Illusion & Friendship Gems), plus I have Misuteri and Mikomi's bio's up. As well, the bio's for the Illusion and Friendship Gems have their pics too. See ya!

04/29/01- Added two more drawings of the Bubble and Void Gem's forms. I'll add more soon, hopefully Love, Friendship, and Hope, and maybe Amazon and Illusion.

04/21/01- Funky pics up in some character's bios. Hope they look kool!

04/20/01- Hannya's pic is up! Yay!

04/16/01- Earthy Gem bio added, Gem and Card guide updated with Episode 15 stats. See ya!

04/15/01- Aiden and Hannya's bio's are up. Hannya's pic should come soon. Episode 15 is up!! Get in your entries for the drawing contest!

04/14/01- Added the Tools Section. Only three things in it so far, but more are on the way, and maybe even pictures someday!

04/12/01- Added bio's for Marietta & Anastasia Gonzales. Hopefully this will help those who plan to enter the contest, that are drawing around their personalities.

04/11/01- More information on the drawing contest up, and relocated into a new page of it's own. Still looking for entries!

04/10/01- Love, Friendship, Fly, Thunder, and Fight Gems are up. See ya later!

04/09/01- Totally awesome! GC World has a banner!! Kickin'!! Illusion Gem is up too! Awesome day!

04/08/01- Sakura's Background Story is up in the backgrounds section, and Aiden's profile is coming soon. Don't forget about the drawing contest!

04/05/01- New Drawing Contest posted. Jump Gem added to Kayo Gems section.

04/04/01- Pictures throughout the page are up. Check them out, BUT NO STEALING!!

04/03/01- Links to my eight drawings are up in the drawings/pictures section. Any pics or drawings I put up should be in there, but it's drawings for now. DON'T TAKE ANYTHING!

04/02/01- Yuuki, Kara, and Hope added to Characters Section.

03/27/01- Rain Gem is added, new picture in Rita's profile. More coming soon!

03/26/01- Introduction is up, hopefully it helps you to understand the story better. ^_^

03/24/01- Rita, Chelsea, Zachary, Nikki, and Sabaki's profiles are up in the characters section. Ceaira's background story is up as well in the background section.

03/23/01- Profiles of Eriol, Suppi, Nakuru, and Ruby Moon are up. Tori, Julian, and Miss Mackenzie have pics now.

03/22/01- Julian, Tori, and Miss Mackenzie's bio's are up. Pictures of Zachary, Eriol, Nakuru, Suppi, and Ruby Moon are up. Windy Gem bio up as well.

03/18/01- Episode 14 is posted. Stats added to Gems & Cards Guide.

03/15/01- Characters that are up have full scale pictures in their bio's.

03/14/01- Gravity, Snow, and Freeeze are up in the Kayo Gems section. Next episode, Unneccessary Practice (14) is coming soon. Stay tuned!

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