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Welcome to the FoW page. This is not a regular team but merely a group of friends who like to have fun playing hover race :-) We have 2 rules:

  • Be friendly
  • No more rules

In order to join FoW, you need a personal invitation from two of the team leaders to join. Membership should come naturally if you are a good friend. The FoW supporters are for people who cannot join fow because they are on other teams but still would like to be a friend.


August 27th 2003 - I know this isn't the real FoW team site but since it hasn't been updated in over a year I decided to just copy it and have an updated version at least for now until someone does something with the real site. --ChamP

May 2nd 2002 - Some team memb er news: I am happy to welcome 3 new members: SN, ChamP and Jabadadah! A new trial member has been accepted: B'man. --Jazz

April 26th 2002 - The web site has been down for a week or so but I hope all problems are now fixed. --Jazz

April 14th 2002 - Jazz is really on the track for personal records these days. Today he managed to get his first 38 lap in alley (38.86). Congratulations. --HaP

April 13th 2002 - I just counted the number of monitors currently registered at It turns out that 6 out of 13 monitors are members (or trial members) of FoW! To become a monitor you have to prove that you are not a troublemaker and that you can handle responsibility. This matches well with the profile of the people that we want to join FoW - nice and responsible people. --Jazz

April 13th 2002 - I updated the tracks section with some old tracks from ALA and HaP. A few new ones by KOTR have been added as well. Enjoy. --Jazz

April 9th 2002 - Wow, is Jazz proud. After all these years he finally managed a 15 lap in ClassicH. His new record is 15.98! Congratulations to Jazz from all of us. --HaP

April 2nd 2002 - We have decided to move the web page to a new address because removed our FTP account. While doing this I have also changed the web pages to use PHP scripts and also changed the layout slightly. Expect more changes to follow. --Jazz

March 31st 2002 - We have accepted 3 new trial members: Champ, Jabadadah and SN. Welcome to you all and we hope you make it to become full members soon. --Jazz

February 2001 - FoW is 3 years old!!!. Happy aniversary everybody! I checked some old records and it seems like Alaimo, Apagador and Jazz started this thing back in February 1999. It is amazing Hover is still alive. In any case, FoW is one of the grand old teams. --Jazz

October 14th 2001 - Juggler set a new Alley2 record: 36.36!!!!! That racer is unbelievable! Our congratulations to him and his great effort. --Jazz

October 14th 2001 - Hoverrace is still very popular and FoW is one of the grand old teams. We are not very active but we show up on various occations. I just updated our webpages to reflect the current active members and our new records. Enjoy. --Jazz

April 21th 2001 - I am delighted to welcome to FoW a new very good friend of mine and a great racer: KingOfTheRoad. --Jazz

April 21th 2001 - Irish has decided to leave and create his own team. We wish him good luck there! --Jazz

April 13th 2001 - Today is Friday the 13th. It is a very strange day indeed. Today I sat down and revisited hoverrace for some time. I am not dead, but thank you for all of your concern. Congratulations and welcome to both B*man and Rasher. I am sorry to see SF, Turtle, and Samos go to the dark side, (heheh) but perhaps one day when their team dies they will be back ;). On a final note, congratulations to JuG on his amazing time. Hope to see you all in the rooms. --HaP

March 29th 2001 - Seems like HAP has abandoned the site before he really began to work on it :P nevermind.. We have two new members B*Man and Rasher, Welcome aboard guys!! Unfortunatley we also had to say goodbye to SF and Samos, both of whom left to join AhL. We are still going strong though and we're looking to the future :) HoverRace is becoming more popular by the day! I have now given Rasher FTP info to the site and perhaps some things may be changing in the near future.. and possibly SOME updates?? :) Good to see you all again. One more thing... CONGRATULATIONS to JuGgLeR on his 36 in They Alley2!! First of its kind... Well done mate, keep it up :) --Phil

January 12th 2001 - I updated the records page with SF's times. --Jazz

December 29th 2000 - Hi Friends ... nice to message you again ;-) There's a new tourney upcoming in HR ...let's give HR a chance to revive! Whoever's interested in racing can find the date for our first match in this can get more info: tracks and dates at ...the tourney info is under HRWC link.....Our first date:

All matches will take place 4:00 pm Eastern till further notice.
	Jan 2nd
	DBZ vs OSR - ClassicH, Steeplechase, Hang Ten, Friends
	ER vs BRA - Alley2, ClassicH, Adrenaline Rush, Mach2
	Fow vs GR - Steeplechase, Alley2, Twisted Atom, CrossFire
Cya. --ALA

January 8th 2001 - I returned today from my absence and found that hover is still full of people. Thanks for participating! --HaP

December 10th 2000 - Today I'm HaPy to announce our first new member since the revival of Hover. Welcome to the team Turtle! --HaP

December 7th 2000 - Hello again. I finished installation of the FoW Guestbook; be sure to sign it! I think I'm going to move all the 1999 news to another page, but first I'm going to adjust the page layout. NOTICE: I am going to be away for probably a week or so starting on the 14th of this month, so you won't be able to reach me during that time. To end on a positive note, Jazz contacted me and will once again be seen in the IMR. Great to have him back in the Game! --HaP

December 6th 2000 - I've heard back from a few old Friends. It's great that most people still have a strong interest in FoW and in racing. Just yesterday I sent out an ICQ to everyone on the members list that I have an ICQ# for. Please spread the word, I'd like some more responses. In a week or two I will begin to clean the members list down to only the people I have heard back from. --HaP

December 4th 2000 - With the astounding revival of everyone's favorite Hovercraft Racing game, I, HaPyMðN, am officially re-organizing FoW to regain it's hard-earned reputation as the greatest Team in HoverRace. If you are a former FoW member, please consider re-joining the Hover community. If you are a new HoverRacer, we hope that you will consider becoming a Friend in the Future. --HaP

October 11th 1999 - Except for good old friends FoW will be closed for new members and supporters. We don't want the team to grow too big. Check the new rules section. --Jazz/Alaimo/Apagador

October 2nd 1999 - A sad day for FoW today. We lost our final match against GR in a very messy match. Slayer had all sorts of network problems and got disconnected after heading his first ClassicH and he couldn't continue. After that we other problems and in the end GR was the better team and won 43-35. --Jazz

October 1st 1999 - We got 3 new cool members: Pegasus, Melani and CJ! We welcome all of them. Check out the members page! --Jazz

September 26th 1999 - Apagador is back! He was one of the co-founders of FoW. He quit hover for a while after messing up a few things but he is a good friend and we forgive him! It is great to have him back! --Jazz

September 26th 1999 - We raced against Er and USA this weekend. On Saturday we did real bad and lost the game against Er. We were lacking good racers and we lost points because of that but overall we did very bad. Today we won against USA and a lot of racers showed up! Good! Now, the last WHRL race will be against GR next weekend. We have to win this match with 25 points as it stands today. However, I have on behalf of FoW filed a complaint to ANI about the rules. Because Ur quit GR gets 58 points without racing them. We got 39 points in our match against Ur before they died and therefore GR got a 19 points advantage. This will probably make the difference since if we beat GR we have to compete on race points with them to get to the finals. Anyway it was good to see so many racers back today - thanks all for showing up! To check results and updates go here: --Jazz

September 23th 1999 - BøBø is back! We are happy to welcome BøBø back to FoW. BøBø was one of the contributors to our WHRL victory in spring. He is a nice person and a good friend so it is great to have him back! --Jazz

September 19th 1999 - BRA was humiliated by FoW tonight. Thanks to great displays from Samos, Vilzu, Volt, Slud and Jazz we won 47-28! --Jazz

September 19th 1999 - We won our first WHRL stage 2 match. Thanks to Alaimo, Slud and Jazz we were able to beat Ur. Our next match is against BRA on today at 2pm eastern. --Jazz

September 18th 1999 - Samos has improved his alley record down to 39.86! He is now the 4th best FoW racer. Congratulations! --Jazz

September 14th 1999 - Both Slud and Footman have improved their records. A few new banners have been added to the friends page. --Jazz

September 13th 1999 - FoX has been removed from the supporters list since he has been messing up too much lately. --Jazz/Alaimo

September 1st 1999 - Many new friends have joined our group recently. A lot of other people would also like to join. Our team is very popular. However, we now feel it is time to say stop and not let any new members in for a while. --Jazz/Alaimo

September 1st 1999 - Hey, great to have back old friend Alaimo! --Jazz

August 30th 1999 - FoW remains ubeaten in WHRL so far! We boycotted the first 3 games but after that we have won all our matches. The last WHRL match yesterday FoW won against Ur. Our best racers were not participating but Samos, Wolf, Slud, HaP and Jazz secured a comfortable victory. Our final WHRL match for the 1st stage is scheduled for Wednesday. We will try to move the game forward to allow europeans to participate. --Jazz

August 28th 1999 - I am happy to welcome a fast guy from Puerto Rico as a new friend: Samos! --Jazz

August 27th 1999 - Ninja just broke the FoW ClassicH record! His 15.85 is the second best lap ever raced! In addition he has also improved his Alley2 record. §lud has improved his Steeplechase (22.93) and ClassicH records. Finally I am very happy to welcome two new members to our group: Footman and Voltage! Check the updated records and friends page! --Jazz

August 26th 1999 - We have won all our 3 WHRL matches so far! Last night we won against Er with 37 against 32 points. All racers did a great job. To check results and updates go here: On Sunday August 29th we will have our next match against Ur. We will race the tracks Steeplechase and UR Racing. Our last race will be against USA on Wednesday September 1st. We will race ClassicH and Walk the Line. --Jazz

August 19th 1999 - We won our first match agains @ in WHRL! Great display by our racers §lud, Slayer, Alaimo, Irishlad, and Jazz. This was the team's birthday present to Irishlad who is 15 years old today. Happy birthday LAD! Next match will take place on Sunday August 22nd at 5 pm eastern time. Hope you show up then and contribute to victory against SSR. We will race 'Alley2' and 'Stay On The Track'. --Jazz

August 18th 1999 - We have decided to participate in the WHRL after staying away in the first 3 rounds (see message from Alaimo below). The first race is going to be tonight so log on if you can. I am also happy to welcome Wolf and Ninja as full members. --Jazz

August 13th 1999 - I just cleaned up the records page and added another summary table for statistic fans. I am also happy to welcome teamplayer as a supporter! --Jazz

August 12th 1999 - Python and §lud (also known as roadrunner) have joined FoW! --Jazz

July 24th 1999- - How maybe some member have noticed ...we are gonna boicot WHRL 2 until the comite of that tourney will accept the subscription of EoW team ...this was an hard decision for our Group ..dont forget we are THE CHAMPION in charge...But it was easy at the end if you know our Spirit...anyway as we are a free team i will let all the member free to decide by them self.. i Hope ANI wil reconsider his decision to accept EoW in 2nd WHRL. --ALA

July 24th 1999 - Rayden as joined fow Racer under my autorization - by the way i will be away for vacation and job all august, Jazz, LAD and Fox will take care abouth the pages in the next week..tanks Friends you are doing a great job here. --ALA

July 21th 1999 - JcR has joined FoW as a supporter. Juggler and Slayer have both improved their personal Alley records and are now number 1 and 4 on the top 5 list! --Jazz

July 17th 1999 - HaPyMaN joined FoW today! --Jazz

July 16th 1999 - New logo added. This should speed up download times. FoX added many of juggler's famous tracks to the tracks section. And, irish has improved his alley record! --Jazz

July 15th 1999 - I agreed with alaimo to change the look of the website slightly (new colors and new banners). I also updated the records section and the list of friends. More to come. --Jazz

July 14th 1999 - Hey Guys, I have just updated the Records section, to give everyone a more up to date scenario with regards to how well everyone is doing. Keep the good work going everyone and GoodLuck to all those taking part in HoverMasters '99 ! If you don't still have a partner.. look for one !! Only a few more days left. Take Care - Irish