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CyberchickadA's Chamber Room

Well, for starters I guess I will say hi and thanks for visiting my page. My name is Katrina, and I am a compulsive pet LOVER! My main favorite pet is ofcourse the cat. I have a siamese fighting fish named Fishy. I don't have any pics of him yet but there will be soon. I have links to my old cat Bella, My old fish Peakah, and my old hamster named Mojo. Click on their names to find out more about them.I will soon be getting pictures for you to see of all my animals and friends. Well since I last updated this site alot has happened. I moved from Greenwood...actually I moved 3 I had a baby boy named Jacob on September the 26th 2003. I also got married on the 1st of July 2004! Yay me! My son is now a year old. I will be making a link for his part of the website soon.

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