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English 10 @ Horton

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Course Outline:

Creative Writing Unit:

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Students will be given a writing assignment the first class each week, and will be expected to research, edit and write a final copy to be submitted the first class of the following week. Each submitted assignment must contain five elements: a title page; a brainstorm; a rough copy; editing and the final copy. Each assignment will vary in length and focus, from an editorial to precis work. Essays will range in size from 250 words to 1000 words.

Novel Tests/Studies:

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In each term, students will read and explore a novel. Ray Bradbury's science fiction classic, Fahrenheit 451, explores the larger issue of censorship, while Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize winning novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, looks at the racism and oppression in Alabama during the 1930s. After reading the novels, students will be given largely objective tests to gauge their overall comprehension, which will then be followed with a larger study of the thematic issues found within these classics. Larger studies on censorship and civil rights will also be undertaken in order to provide a larger understanding of the issues found within the novels.

Vocabulary Tests:

All students will be responsible for learning the vocabulary words taken from the novels covered in the course. For each term there will be a tests to gauge students' understanding of the words, which in turn will help in the reading and comprehension of the novels. To go to the vocabulary lists, click here.

Short Story and Poetry Units:

For each term, students will participate in units of study dealing with short stories (term one) and poetry (term two). For the short story unit, students will participate in Literature Circles, while for term two the poetry unit will utilize a three-step approach to poetry study (individual, small group and class discussion). For both units, students will submit portfolios for marking.

Term Paper/Presentation:

During the first term, students will be required to write a formal research paper on the topic of their choosing, being certain to follow the conventions laid out in class. These include proper footnoting, bibliography usage, grammar and spelling, structure and thesis development. This paper will be in the length of 1200-1500 words and will include a title page. All students will be required to present their paper to the class, being certain not to read straight from their papers. Visual aids may be used with this presentation.

Debate/Public Speaking Option:

During the second term, students will choose to either participate in a group debate or an individual public speaking option. In both cases, students will be expected to put a great deal of time, effort and research into the preparation of this oral assessment. Those students who are not presenting at that time will be required to serve as "jury members" as part of their own class mark.

Shakespeare Study:

Employing the book Introducing Shakespeare , edited by Saliani, Ferguson and Scott, students will be given a rudimentary introduction to the world of Shakespeare and his writings, from his sonnets to his plays. A series of assignments will entail this unit of study, which is designed to better prepare students for the study of Shakespeare's plays in both grades 11 & 12.

Year End Assessment:

This all encompassing assessment will focus on the many facets of the course from the beginning to the end, and will offer students many options in completing this assignments. This assessment will include a written, oral and visual component on a near endless array of options. This will be due in early June, with presentations following soon thereafter.


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discendo libertas fit ~ "through learning, liberty is born"

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