"Champagne" Chris Kanyon
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Autograph Convention 

aWe, Action! Wrestling Entertainment. A federation where the worst lose and the best conquer. Just under two months has the federation been going and already it is one of the more dominate of its kind. Stars like Raven, Triple H, Taz or even the man himself Goldberg fill this federation, with goldberg being the man to beat. We're about to meet a person that could destroy Goldberg, dismantle him if you will, well that's what he thinks anyway. So to no futher a due, i introduce to you the champagne of this federationg, Chris Kanyon.

Fade in aWe, a logo so famous. Telling a fan the best Television you will find is following. This specific segment is situated in a large flat building, it looks like a shop to an outdoor carnival. Shelves are stacked with items, aWe items that is. Lines fill the place, lines infront of desks. Every desk has a long line bar one. Suddenly Hulk Hogan walks out to a huge ovation, his line suddenly gets bigger as he begins signing autographs and talking with the fans, even posing with them, a nice guy all 'round. So basically what we have discovered is this is an autograph convention, the table with no line? Well it reads "Chris Kanyon" at the front so i can only guess why. Kanyon, whom was the first person to be sitting at his table had his face rested on a fist leaning on the table. Kanyon begins thinking to himself

Chris Kanyon: Those stupid diddys, what kind of people stand still in a small room waiting hours for an autograph from an overgrown sterioded crippled wheel chairer? I mean seriously, i'm like ten feet away from his desk and still no one notices there favoutire wrestler is over here free of line.

Chris stops thinking to himself, it's not some thing he usually does. He turns his head left to see three other packed lines leading up to desks. One person was Rick Steiner, the other Diamond Dallas Page and finally Sho Funaki for friggen sakes! Once Chris Kanyon see's Funaki's line having over thirty people he becomes outraged, he suddenly jumps from his chair and starts waving his arms as if he was drowning at sea.

Chris Kanyon: What are you people blind?! Famous wrestler over here?! Who Better then to get an autogrpah from then Kanyon damn it?!..

Two teenagers walk past at this point, Hulk Hogan merchandise in hand. They both smirk at the desperate Chris.

Teen #1: Everyone!

Teen #2: That's including Funaki..!

Both again laugh, before disappearing out the door. Kanyon who flatly ignored them walked from his seat giving up on the idea of signing things for his 'fans'. He slowly walks past the Hogan line, listening to hogans hulkmaniacs discuss and reminisce Hulks famous carrer. He walks along Rick Steiners line hearing things about The Steiner Brothers and Scott Steiner, and then finally DDPs line, the second biggest of all. He decides not to go past Funaki's line, who would? While walking up the side of the line to DDP's desk where he was currently posing for a picture with a fan he here's his name mentioned. Kanyon smiles and stops, as the fan continues the sentence.

DDP Fan #1: Remember when Kanyon was pretending to be Diamond Dallas Page? Positively Kanyon, that was so stupid it was funny. The sad thing was Kanyon thought we were all laughing with him, but we were all laughing at him. He had the music, wig, everything it was ridiculous.

DDP Fan #2: I agree, what a wannabe. If you can't be yourself and be popular why try? I'm glad he isn't wrestling anymore, the only thing i liked in his carrer was when he got thrown off the Triple Tier Cage, god i wished he died at that bump.

DDP Fan #3: If only Diamond Dallas Page was wrestling.

At this point Kanyon is ready to explode on the fans that were verbally bashing him, maybe if they knew he was standing right behind them that wouldn't of mentioned him at all, but the damage had been done, fortunelu Kanyon is to cowardly to end up in jail, otherwise assualt charges would've came his way. He continued walking up the long line, seemingly never ending compared to his. He finally finished his journey as cut to the front of the line, muscling his way through like an elementry school bully. DDP sees Kanyon and smiles. Kanyon was now next in line but heard his name being discussed by the crowd around him again, he had turned around to face them when DDP starts calling him.

Diamond Dallas Page: Hey, monkey boy.

An insult always grabs Chris' attention, he turns to see DDP waiting. He walks up to DDP and stares at him, DPP extends his hand as if to shake. Kanyon looks at it thinking it's below him to shake a DDPs hand, almost degrading. But for the fans he doe's it, he lets DDP know it's only for the fans aswell.

Chris Kanyon: You know Page, once we're alone i'm going to kick your ass. You stole my popularity.

DDP speaks even lower then Chris, making sure the crowd can't hear the nasty words the two men are trading.

Diamond Dallas Page: I'm a fan favourite, i do this kind of thing infront of them. But...heh, listen monkey boy, i didn't take anybodys popularity especially yours, your ass don't even know what famous means.

At this point Kanyon tightens the handshake as DDP tries to squezze the circulation from champagnes hand. A men walks up behind them, the man has a black "aWe" shirt on. He introduces himself by breaking the heated hand shake and hand shaking both men quickly.

"aWe Official" Kevin Dunn: Hello boys, the aWe apartment recently told me that they have been looking for some new wrestlers that can be friendly with others. aWe's locker room as of now is sheer anarchy, it's out of control. We need some people like you in the back.

Both DDP and Kanyon looked stunned, Chris is the first to reacted.

Chris Kanyon: But...

"aWe Official" Kevin Dunn: No buts, i want you both in my office tommorow afternoon. You know where it is.

With that the scene ends, DDP and Kanyon are both looking at each other stunned. They just recieved new jobs with a half hearted almost fake friend hand shake. Is this the begining of the odd couple for aWe? I'd think so!

Diddys Beaten: