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Silver Art

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A one ounce gold nugget will bring $2,000 to $4,000 on the collectors market.

See below for the price of Gold on the market right now. This price does not show what collectors will pay for raw gold.


All you need to pan for gold is a shovel, an old dishpan or a $5 gold pan, a magnifying glass, a pair of tweezers and a small plastic vial in which to put your gold. Gold pans are found at hardware stores, metal detector stores, rock shops and hobby shops.

[Most Recent Quotes from]

"Did you know an oreo cookie weights close to an ounce."

map of the west coast

Site Note: I will be on the road for about two weeks, so if any of the links or news is behind on topic. I will fix them as soon as I can. Thanks.

Minister visits islands, hands out money

By Alex Rinfret- The islands will be receiving fresh money for programs benefiting babies and young children, MLA Linda Reid, minister of state for early childhood development, announced during a three-day visit last week


Coordinator concerned about seismic testing

Masset economic development coordinator Shirley Kricheldorf has concerns about the Nai Kun Wind Development Inc.'s plans to undertake seismic testing in Hecate Strait. The company is planning to build a huge offshore wind farm in the strait, and has applied for a permit to explore a large area of shallow seabed off the east coast of Graham Island



My Jewish Roots

 ner tamid

We are a group of Jewish and grafted-in non-Jewish believers in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew). Messianic Jews have not stopped being Jewish. On the contrary, we have continued to remain strongly Jewish in our identity, lifestyle, and belief that Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah and the fulfillment of true Biblical Judaism

You can call for more information at (902) 823-1118.

Our snail mail address is:
BOX 20064



Suggested Book

earthship cover

EARTHSHIP VOLUME I HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN $29.95 first printing 1990, 229 pages

Epilogue "Having been involved in building homes and other structures out of tires for 20 years, I get very excited when I see the giant tire piles that exists in almost every populated are. Knowing how easy and inexpensive it is to...ely independent, sustainable building. 11 pages of plans and specifications, color rendering, details the complete construction drawing booklet. Approximately 20% cheaper than the total cost of a similarly sized Sloped Glass Building.


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