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My 2nd Page of Pictures!

more pictures..yay !!

leah & me at evolve 04..lovely acid haha as you can see we were in for a good nite ahead of us..

me & dave with our cars.. maragaret wanted a pic of the cars holding hands..but..yeah..this was the best we could come up w/

this ones a real winner! me & donut man at pete's party.. haha all the kid did all nite was eat donuts, love itt

me, jess & melanie at her new appt..well she's not there anymore..but ya

ahh..haha me & leah..i really the time taking pictures w/ random signs seemed like the thing to do .. where the fuck were we?

ben & me at pete's party..

hahaha..brad matt and tyler..morning after my party and i guess they felt this was necessary..

bridget & me at evolve..good times!

me & jess all over the bronx sign..haha gotta watch out!! there are 'hildren present!

this is dave bein cool..margs waste of a roll of film aha

dave again..loves the camera this boy

this is my baby..i sometimes make her wear funny hats..

haha i like this one too! shows how good of a babysitter i am..don't worry she didn't driiink any

emma, pete & me at his partayyyy..exciting

jon me & dave at margarets..we just ate cake..mmmm

here's jon..? haha yah

justin jeremy & james after our big race

this one goes w/ that other one up there..good ol head office..wherever you are

margaret..aww isnt she cute

margo & her food..haha well dave's food..but yeah

talk about hot! margaret's dad..yum

me and some sexy oven mitts that we thought were picture worthy..

aaron & me at my arisaig parttyy .. and just for every pic keep in mind everyones drunk & it was pouring all nite

me! at the party! being drunk! imagine that

me & bj at the party...

me & jess at the party

me & jimbob at the party.. haha.. awkward

me & keegan at the party

me & kyle at the party.. i look posessed..

me & matthew at the can be deceiving (hand) haha

me & mike at the party.. tee hee

me & paul at the party

chris & me at the party

darcy me & jon at the party..

dan & me at the party..scary!!!!

darcy jon & me at the party

dave & me at the party

dylan & me at the party.. ahaha umm?! dont ask

this would be gordon..pantless in the back of my car.. haha morning after i believe? god only knows..p.s. i wasn't in there w/ him ahaha

james & me at the party

jimbob & me again at the party..neattt?

laurie & colleen at the party morning after taking down the ol tent haha

matt, tremaine & keegan at the party

mikey & me at the party..rough nite for that kid haha :(

william & me at the party

ryan & me at the cigars

sarah & me at the party

tremaine & me at the party

this is the love of my life..patrick..jon won him at the fair, what more can i sayyy..i'm in love!!!!

jess & me showin once again our bronx pride..can't believe we got this close without getting shot at!

obviously the best picture on here, twiggy himself! me &

janine katelyn & brenda

jessica, me, erin & brenda at battle of the bands

ryan & me at battle of the bands

kyle & me at battle of the bands..haha he was a little tipsy

jess & me..taking a little nap in the woods at battle of the bands

colin mikey & hahah

michael & me at sobeys..yay!!!!

me & jess at evolve .

me & leah at evolve..hah ya

melanie me & laura in their tent.. at evolve..haha

hah i love it! some old and a fat woman..i dunno who the fuck they are but they needed to be in this picture.

leah me & other leah at evolve..we saw her w/ the same cup on our adventure..verry exciting

leah & me at evolve sunday morning..notttt a pretty or happy sight

this guys awesome...the one in the poncho..yah..ahah evole

me & leah at evolve..hah ya we look sober.

some random & leah at evolve..

another random guy..and me at evolve hah dont know where these ppl came from..but he was funny cause he made fun of kyle

jess leah & me in our tent

me & stephen at the trews..don't quite remember these pics bein taken?

stephen & margaret at the trews

margaret me & chris at the trews

this is one of my beautiful cupboards in the kitchen..haha grosss

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