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The struggle within the mind continues...
Some struggles will never end. No two therianthropes are exactly alike, but all have in common the binding mental and spiritual connection to the animal(s) which sets them on the symbolic (and sometimes literal) journey to learn and better understand who and what they are, though exactly why we are what we are continues to elude us. The who and what are formed through nature and nurture, and to a large extent are self-determined, and the why itself seems futile somtimes. On the internet, the spiritual aspect of therianthropy which is ancient in origin meets with the technologically-dependant world of today. Confusion is often the result. But the human desire for companionship remains, and for many therianthropes, or weres as we often call ourselves, the internet is our only outlet to feed that desire. This can be dangerous. Many of us at some point have come too close to forgetting that the internet is just a tool, a source of media, and have took it for more than what it is worth. When this happens the original purpose for the journey is forgotten, misplaced, sometimes abandonded altogether. We must not forget why we are here in the first place, because if we do then the struggle with each other, and within the mind is meangingless...

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