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Pack Mentality Links Page

These are links to other therianthropic resources, or other were-sites of interest. If a link is here, it is either because I saw a site which I thought would make a good addition to the links page and got the owner's permission, or because someone who owns a site found this site and wanted me to add a link to theirs. If you would like your site linked, email me with your request and the URL. It would also be preferable that you have a banner, though this is not mandatory.
I'm looking mainly for sites that deal with personal views about wereism/ therianthropy, theories related to spiritual therianthropy and shifting, art work, stories. I'm especially looking for sites that haven't had a great deal of exposure yet.
Also, I won't go around linking sites I find expecting the owner to link me, but if you ask me and I put your URL/banner here, I'd appreciate if you would offer me the same courtesy. After all, the whole purpose of this is to help each other's sites get visitors.

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