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The Opposition

EARTHWORM Herbert (Herbie) Hynde Underground Dweller/Criminal

Fighting: TY (6)
Agility: GD (10)
Strength: PR (4)
Endurance: GD (10)
Reason: GD (10)
Intuition: EX (20)
Psyche: GD (10)
Health: 30
Karma: 40
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: -10

Abilities- Animal Control (vermin): EX (20)

Special Abilities- Contortionist

Talents- Area Knowledge (underground tunnel system): EX(20)

History- Herbert Hynde was a leader of an illegal "baby-selling" operation. He employed a network of frightened underlings to do his work since he preferred to remain underground like his namesake. His agents would buy infant children from their destitute parents , then Herbert would sell those children to wealthy couples who were willing to meet his price. This proved profitable until he came into confict with the Huntress (Helena Wayne), who put an end to the operation. Though he was defeated, Herbert managed to escape into the sewers, which were his home.

NIGHTMARE Ruler of the Nightmare World within the Dream Dimension

Fighting: UN (100)
Agility: CL 1000
Strength: CL 1000
Endurance: CL 1000
Reason: UN (100)
Intuition: UN (100)
Psyche: CL 1000
Health: 3100
Karma: 1200
Resources: NA
Popularity: NA

Abilities- Immortality: Nightmare can never be truly killed until all dreaming beings in the universe die.Apparition: This power gives Nightmare the magical equivalent of CL 1000 Phasing. Astral Theft: Nightmare has CL 1000 control over the souls of sleepers. Image Projection: Nightmare can create visions with CL 1000 ability. Scrying: Nightmare is able to invoke various Scrying spells with MN (75) effectiveness. Force Field vs. Magic: This spell provides Nightmare with MN (75) protection from all forms of magical attack. Bands: Nightmare can cause bindings of MN (75) strength to surround a target. Eldritch Attack: Nightmare can project MN (75) intensity blasts of pure magical force. Illusion Casting: With this CL 1000 ability, Nightmare can cause others to see things that are not real. Reality Alteration: As the ruler of the Nightmare World, Nightmare has the CL 1000 ability to spontaneously reshape any aspect of it.*Note: In addition to the above spells, Nightmare possesses all of the other available spells at MN (75) rank.

Weakness- Nightmare is only tangible to sleepers. He is intangible and powerless when facing conscience beings. He can be harmed by the Eye of Agomotto.


Equipment-Nightmare's Wand (This arcane device gives Nightmare a +1 CS to Agility when resolving his magical attacks. In addition, it bestows upon him the ability to create a CL 1000 "Maze of Confinement". In actuality, this spell is a comgination of his Confusion and Band powers.) Steed (Nightmare often rides a black, demonic unicorn which has the followig statistics: F-EX(20), A-EX (20), S-RM (30), E-EX(20), R-PR(4), I-FB(2), P-PR(4),Health:90, Karma:10; Abilities: Apparition: Nightmare's steed shares his magical phasing ability (though only at MN (75) rank),Dimension Travel: The steed can cross dimensions with MN (75) skill, Flight: The steed can attain MN (75) speeds via magical means.)

The Fearsome Five

PSIMON Simon Jones Physicist/Criminal

Fighting: TY (6)
Agility: GD (10)
Strength: PR (4)
Endurance: GD (10)
Reason: AM(50)
Intuition: MN (75)
Psyche: MN (75)
Health: 30
Karma: 200
Resources: GD (10)
Popularity: 0

Abilities-Force Field vs. Mental: UN (100)Kinetic Bolt: IN (40)Life Detection: EX (20)Linguistics: RM (30)Mental Probe: EX (20)Mind Blast: MN (75)Mind Control: IN (40)Molecular Conversion: IN (40)Radarsense: RM (30)Telekinesis: AM (50) Telepathy: IN (40)

Talents-Leadership Physics

Contacts- Fearsome Five Trigon the Terrible

JINX Sorceress/Criminal

Fighting: GD (10)
Agility: EX (20)
Strength: TY (6)
Endurance: TY (6)
Reason: EX (20)
Intuition: EX (20)
Psyche: RM (30)
Health: 42
Karma: 70
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: 0

Abilities- Eldritch Beams/Bolts: IN (40)Magic Power Simulation: AM (50)Matter Animation (Earth): RM (30)Matter Animation (Objects): RM (30)Molecular Conversion: IN (40)

Contacts- Fearsome Five

NEUTRON Nathaniel TryonCriminal

Fighting: EX (20)
Agility: GD (10)
Strength: EX (20)
Endurance: MN (75)
Reason: GD (10)
Intuition: TY (6)
Psyche: TY (6)
Health: 125
Karma: 22
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: 0

Abilities- Explosive Punch: AM (50)Explosive Clap: IN (40)* Note: Neutron is a nucleur energy being. He is contained in a suit (UN material strength). If he removes his visor, he does AM (50) damage. If he leaves the suit, he does MN (75) damage to everyone in area.

Contacts- Fearsome Five

BORDERLINE Andrew SimpsonCriminal

Fighting: EX (20)
Agility: EX (20)
Strength: RM (30)
Endurance: EX (20)
Reason: RM (30)
Intuition: EX (20)
Psyche: GD (10)
Health: 90
Karma: 60
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: 0

Abilities- Biophysical Control (Decay): GD (10) Biophysical Control (Disruption): IN (40)Biophysical Control (Healing): EX (20) Biophysical Control (Regeneration): GD (10)


Contacts- Fearsome Five

KLAW Ulysses Klaw Scientist/Criminal

Fighting: GD (10)
Agility: EX (20)
Strength: RM (30)
Endurance: MN (75)
Reason: EX (20)
Intuition: GD (10)
Psyche: TY (6)
Health: 135
Karma: 36
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: -3

Abilities- Body Transformation: Klaw's organic body has been irreversibly replaced with a material sonic energy form. Though solid, this form does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. It cannot be damaged except in certain specific cases.* Exposure to vacuum inflicts RM (30) damage each round (sound must have a medium to travel through).* Certain frequencies can cancel Klaw's natural vibrations. Exposure to these frequencies causes Klaw to make an Endurance FEAT or fall unconscious. He remains unconscious until he is removed from the presence of the cancellation wave. * Attacks with weapons of sound dampening Vibranium inflict full and normal damage. * Presence of more than 10 lbs. of sound dampening Vibranium causes Endurance FEAT or loss of all health. * Sonic attacks will reduce Klaw's Health by an amount equal to the intensity of the attack. Klaw may not be affected by other physical and energy attacks, though he may still be stunned or slammed (kill results are considered stuns). He has Incredible rank Body Armor for determining the effects of physical attacks. Should Klaw's Health be reduced to 0, he loses corporeal shape and is absorbed by his sonic converter.Sonic Converter: Klaw's right hand has been replaced with a prosthetic device made of steel and Vibranium (Incredible material strength). This device can manipulate sound in the following distinct fashions: * Sonic blasts, 10-area range, Incredible intensity. * Sonic force field projection, Incredible intensity. * Create sonic objects, Remarkable material strength. * Create sonic creatures, quasi-living creatures of sound that Klaw may control. These creatures take damage normally, and have the following stats: F-TY(6), A-TY(6), S-RM(30), E-RM(30), R-NA, I-NA, P-NA. Destroying the sonic converter forces Klaw to make a Psyche FEAT roll or become unconscious.

Talents- Physics

Contacts- Fearsome Five

History- Originally, Dr. Light (the first), wanted to form a team to combat the New Teen Titans so he put an ad in a "criminal publication" looking for upstarts who wanted to group together. This gave him- Gizmo, a guy who can turn anything into a working piece of machinery Mammoth, a very strong guy (that's really all) Psimon, a very powerful mentalist, and Shimmer, a lady (Mammoth's sister) who can transform elements (for a limited duration). They fought the Titans, and it was revealed that Psimon was working for Trigon (the demon father of the Titan member Raven) and he gained control of the Five from Dr. Light (who fled from Psimon in fear for his life). Jinx is a sorceress from India who was brought into the group later to bring it back up to five. There's not a lot known about her. For a brief time later, the group also included Neutron (a Superman villain). Psimon was seemingly later killed in Crisis on Infinite Earths by Braniac.Apparently he's back and has reformed the Five with Jinx, Neutron and two new members:Borderline, a man who seems to be able to control the various systems of the human body, and Klaw, a being of pure sound.
