I don't shave because i don't need to.
I'm not afraid to show you
because I am proud of who I am
and i don't need a razor to make me Beautiful.
Do you?

I'm Annie Biotix and I don't shave. This is my Plug-Uglies page but since we became part of the UNSHAVEN WEBRING I thought i would put in a bit about not shaving. Well, I havent shaved my legs or armpits in 4 or 5 years with the exception of my High Skool Prom ( it was my mim's request "I bought you the material for that pritty dress, please shave" so i did). Anyway, I don't know when I've been more liberated than this. Media is shit. Here is every form of media telling me that because i'm female i must shave, be skinny, wear brand name clothing... yet here i am...Hairy, Average weight, wearing lose-fitting mens jeans & regular t's and band shirts, and damnit - I'm a Vegan! this is nuts. I'm not tryin to go against everything put in front of me, but i am being me. That means that hairy legs and armpits is who i am.and i don't plan on getting skinny because i enjoy eating and living. So what do people think of unshaven girls? well, i lived in a house full of people (men and women) who actually thought i was "Disgusting" because I'm not conforming to Media Perfection. But at the end of 6 months i had opened their minds enough to be at least accepted and understood. It's the few of us who care that ever make a difference. So i guess my message is be yourself. If you dont like shaving - Don't do it. If you don't like shaving but are too shy to ever show off those hairy pits - Question your shyness? Are you just too worried about what people will say or do? Don't worry. Oh and if you enjoy shaving - Do it! Just make sure you understand those who don't. It's not that hard to Open your Mind. Oh and don't think that you can't get dates or something!Cuz thats totally wrong! I'm no prettier than average and haven't been turned down yet! heh.So there, any questions?