More Unrelated Pix

These pix r pritty unrelated..but they're nice to look at:)

Party Girls

This is Annie^Biotix and Minou takin a break from partyin' in Coquitlam, BC. We like to Party. Katimavik doesn't like to party. So we've come up with a happy medium-->party anyway!

Dancin' Machines

Here is a Pic of us Katima-Viktims goin to a Valentine's Dance in good 'ol Wiarton, Ontario... Home of Wiarton Willie.... L->R: Jessicah, Minou, BaJa, Annie, Pasty, & Bea


Back in BC we liked to party lots. This is a pic of Heavy-A, Minou, & Annie on their 48hours off in Vancouver. Sometimes there was lotsa boob grabbin.. look closely.