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The Craft of spells

A good Witch must always have:

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Spells are highly creative mini rituals which make use of items found in nature and the material world such as herbs, crystals, oils, candles and flowers. You will not have to look far for the ingrediants needed for most spells - infact, most of them are probably in your own home, waiting to become part of your enchantments... A great number of spells are timed for performance on particular days of the week. This is because each of the seven days of the week are ruled by one of five planets, or the Sun, or the Moon, and each of these planets rule over a different facet of humen endeavor. below is a list of the planets, their powers and their days. Spell casters should refer to the chart to time their spells for maximum effect... The Sun, Sunday, Glory, majesty, social and political advancement. The magic of fatherhood. The moon, Monday, Secrecy, mystery, power and the magic of protection. Mars, Tuesday, Force, mastery, power and the magic of protection. Mercury, Wednesday, Luck, psychic work, communication and attracting costomers Jupiter, Thursday, Prosperity, wealth, success and work. Venus, Friday, Love, attraction, friendship and the performance of the. Carribian wealth spell. Saturn, Saturday, Wisdom, restricting magic, breaking bad habits and stopping others harassing you.

Witchy links

Withes Web
Witchcraft-the facts
The Sabbts of Wicca
