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AMHA Miniature Horse Information

The Miniature Horse, A Unique Breed of Equine! An elegant, scaled-down version of the large-size horse, the American Miniature cannot be taller than 34 inches at the withers. The Miniature horses of today are stylish, well-proportioned and the product of nearly 400 years of selected breeding.

The American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA) is the official registry of the American Miniature horse. Formed in 1978, the AMHA was organized by a group of dedicated horsemen to aid and encourage the breeding, exhibiting, use and perpetuation of the American Miniature horse. According to the Rules and Regulations and By-Laws of the AMHA, an animal exceeding 34 inches in height is not eligible for registration with the Association. Temporary registration certificates are issued to eligible Miniature horses whose parents are both registered with the AMHA. If after five years of age the horse is 34 inches or under, application for permanent registration may be made. The AMHA closed its registry on December 31, 1987, allowing only offspring of AMHA-registered parents to be registered.

Because of their gentle, affectionate nature and small size, a Miniature horse is an excellent companion. They are ideal pets for young children, adults, senior citizens and the handicapped. A small child may be intimidated by a large horse, yet that same child will show an eagerness to embrace and hug a Miniature foal. The foals are particularly lovable due to their small size, ranging from 16 to 21 inches in height at birth. Handicapped people have found the Miniature horse an excellent substitute for the full-size horse they may not be able to physically handle.

Because their size prohibits any but the smallest children to ride them, many people wonder what you can do with a Miniature horse. Although many people enjoy Miniatures as pets, many owners show their horses at the more than 250 AMHA-sanctioned horse shows nationwide. In addition to showing at halter, Driving the Miniature horse has become a very popular way owners are enjoying their Miniature horses. There are a variety of driving classes at each of the shows, inlcuding Single Pleasure Driving Classes (Youth, Amateur, Ladies, Gentlemen, Open Single Pleasure Driving 32-34 inch horse, Open Single Pleasure Driving 30-32 inch horse, Single Pleasure Driving Mares, Single Pleasure Driving Stallions, Single Pleasure Driving Geldings, Obstacle Driving, a variety of Country Pleasure Driving Classes, and a variety of Roadster Driving Clases!) In addition, there are a number of great jumping classes, costume classes and much more. We have a wide variety of special Amateur classes and Youth Classes. Many shows across the nation have as many as 80-110 different classes!

AMHA Miniature Horse Official Standard

GENERAL IMPRESSION: A small, sound, well-balanced horse, possessing the correct conformation characteristics required of most breeds. Refinement and femininity in the mare. Boldness and masculinity in the stallion. The general impression should be one of symmetry, strength, agility and alertness. Since the breed objective is the smallest possible perfect horse, preference in judging shall be given the smaller horse, other characteristics being approximately equal.

SIZE: Must measure not more than 34 inches at the withers, at the last hairs of the mane.

HEAD: In proportion to length of neck and body. Broad forehead with large prominent eyes, set wide apart. Comparatively short distance between eyes and muzzle. Profile straight or slightly concave below the eyes. Large nostrils. Clean, refined muzzle. Even bite.

EARS: Medium in size. Pointed. Carried alertly, with tips curving slightly inward.

THROAT-LATCH: Clean and well defined, allowing ample flexion at the poll.

NECK: Flexible, lengthy, in proportion to body and type and blending smoothly into the withers.

SHOULDER: Long, sloping and well-angulated, allowing a free-swinging stride and alert carriage of head and neck. Well muscled forearm.

BODY: Well muscled, with ample bone and substance. Balanced and well proportioned. Short back and loins in relation to length of underline. Smooth and generally level top-line. Deep girth and flank. Trim barrel.

HINDQUARTERS: Long, well-muscled hip, thigh and gaskin. Highest point of croup to be same height as withers. Tail set neither excessively high or low, but smoothly rounding off rump.

LEGS: Set straight and parallel when viewed from front or back. Straight, true and squarely set, when viewed from the side with hooves pointing directly ahead. Pasterns sloping about 45 degrees and blending smoothly, with no change of angle, from the hooves to the ground. Hooves to be round and compact, trimmed as short as practicable for an unshod horse. Smooth, fluid gait in motion.

COLOR: Any color or marking patterns, and any eye color, is equally acceptable. The hair should be lustrous and silky.

SHOW DISQUALIFICATIONS: Height in excess of 34 inches. Monorchidism in Senior Stallions. Any unsoundness or inheritable deformity. If in doubt, the show Judge may request the opinion of the show Veterinarian. Non-disfiguring blemishes not associated witlh unsoundness, or injuries which are temporary, should not be penalized unless they impair the general appearance and or action of the horse.

American Miniature Horse Association

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