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This page is devoted to Jenn and all the happiness she brings to my life.

Since Jenn and I have met we have had many wonderful experiences together which have brought us all the way from Nova Scotia to Alberta. The reason we have been there is because Jenn lives in Nova Scotia and I in Alberta. Most people think we are crazy to try to make a relationship over 5000 kms work, but when you see Jenn and I together it all becomes clear.

In February Jenn came to Calgary and we went up to Banff. Here is Jenn by the recently renovated Banff Springs Hotel. We were given a tour by my cousin Rozalyn who works at the hotel as the Food and Beverage Coordinator. We browsed the new lobby and shops and peaked in on a few patrons relaxing in the outdoor hot pool.

On Sunday we had some time to sightsee so we went to Sulphur Mountain where we took a breathtaking gondola ride to the top of the 2300ft plateau. There we had a view that spanned for miles covering the Banff township, Sunshine Valley, and Sanson's Peak. This picture is absolutely beautiful and captures Jenn as I know her-smiling and happy.

Since we had such a nice view we thought that it would be a nice idea to take a picture of the Banff township since it was the first time we had been up Sulphur Mountain in the winter. So here is the closest thing to an Aerial Photo of Banff.

This is the last picture of Jenn and I together on top of Sulphur Mountain. We had such a lovely time in Banff and I am so grateful that her and I were able to spend the week-end together in such a great place. Where are we going next you ask? Who knows, but I am sure it will be wonderful.

Here are Jenn and I en route to the X-Mas Ball this past year. Jenn had asked me a long time before if I would like to go, but I declined because of work, money, and a dozen other minor reasons. As it turns out there was another reason I had to go home that week-end and had been unaware of-my Grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary happened to be on the same week-end. So without telling Jenn or my Grandparents, I flew home from Calgary for the week-end and just showed up at her door and later my Grandparents. As it was she was shocked, but the best was yet to come. Out of her own control, Jenn was assigned to be on duty the night of the X-Mas Ball so she we were not going to attend of her co-workers heard of my arrival and offered to take her shift so that we could go together. I could go on and on about this week-end, but end here as not to give away all the magic.

Three weeks later I flew home for X-Mas with the family. My father planned a little gathering at the house so I invited some friends to come along, but unfortunately the weather turned bad, and the few that were supposed to show up became even fewer. Anyway, as you can see from this picture I was quite content with the one Guest Appearance. who did show up to make my evening. Jenn is the best! I enjoyed that evening because it was almost as if I was showing her off and on top of that she left everyone with such a great impression.

Here is the another shot of the House party we had. From left to right: my brother Shane, Scott Boucher, Charlie Carpenter, Me and Jenn, Wilena, and Roderick Somers.

After spending some time with my family it was off to the Brenton's household. Over the holidays Jenn's family were all very kind to allow me to take part in their Christmas. With Christmas being the time to take pictures, as per usual I had my camera handy at all times. Although Jenn's Mom was convinced she could not take a nice picture, I insisted that she take my camera and take a few snaps of Jenn and I in front of their Christmas Tree to prove otherwise. As I suspected she turned out to be quite the shot and I think you will agree that the alignment could not be better.

Days later New Years snuck up on us and we had plans to go to Halifax to spend the evening there since I had an 8am flight the next day (if you are wondering why I did this to Jenn and myself, it is only because it was the only way that I could spend New Years with her.) This is a picture of US before going out to dinner. We drove downtown (big mistake) and ended up walking a bit out in the cold, poor Jenn was freezing, but when we arrived at the restaurant, it all seemed worthwhile. We were seated in a nice booth and enjoyed the meal and the occasion being together.

Now we are only days away from seeing each other again here in Calgary this time and I can hardly wait to be able to hold her in my arms again.