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The Junkbag

Omigosh! What's the Junkbag?

It is actually all these things and more. I just added a 3D graphics showcase that has all of one picture on it, as well as the Christmas Greetings that I gave to certain members of the Anti-Revolution. Just look below and you shall find it. Of course, there are the familiar AP tests for the curious and the stupid and the kinds of people that love a good parody. That's you if you made it this far. Of course, it's up to you to decide if these are good parodies and/or parapharnalia. Did I spell that right?

Send comments to The Orange Baron to express positive and negative forces swirling around this page.

Hmmm....Try some and see what you think!

The 2000 AP English Exam
The 2000 AP Calculus Exam
NEW, NEW, NEW!!! The 2000 AP U.S. History Exam
Twas the Night Before the Revolution
The Orange Baron Presents: Life in 3D