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the mind is a wonderful thing to waste...profit for prophets...the truth was out there...practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of brutality...god called in sick today...when all else fails,fail everyone stop the youth of australia ending up like america...i don't worship satan,satan worships me...trying is the first step to failure...if he wasn't your boyfriend,i'd swear he was lie-it's the honest truth...prince harry is my drug dealer...the threat is real...i don't discriminate,i hate's moments like this where i wish i had a is good food...the only real drug problem is scoring real good drugs...this is the golden age of insanity...i don't know what i know...outstayed the welcome...i'm not fucking buddhist but this is enlightment...i still can't believe it's not love it,you love every second of it...i can't tell whose more evil-saddam hussain or george w.bush...this is the end of everything you have ever known...this is between me and the end there's only would you like a nice tall glass o shut the fuck up (think befoe you say something stupid)...if the world is my oyster then where is the pearl?...what would batman do? it me or is life just getting lame?...
Hey ya. it's been a very lon time i know. here's the lowdown. i finally own a computer, i finally have access to the web, yes i've abused this privalage to download music and eventually i'll actually give this page the time it deserves. (haven't we all heard that before! about four years nowi think) i actually intend on redoing tis whole page to sometingmore palatable some in '05. until then your stuck with this shit. sorry. while i've got your attention there's somthing i'd bring up. today, as i've been forced to do, i had to a public toilet. now, i dslike having to use these because frankly i don't believe in sharing bodily functions with others. it just doesn't seem right. anyway, i noticed, as i've noticed alot in public toilets, graffitti scratched or written on the back of he door. there are usually two types. 1.calling someone a slut or a cunt and 2.some sort of racist bullshit. i came to the opinion that if the only place for racists to spread their propaganda isn the back of a toilet door, what does that say bout the racists of this country?? to me not only does it say my views are shit but like th rest of my ignorant, redneck persona, i'm full of shit. hich sadly is the case when it comes to racism. just a load of shit. anyway that concludes this sermon for today. bye ya.

Social Commentary
Miscellaneous Junkets
Desires of the Night
Short Stories and Other Catashrophes

Number of poems:73


I am against disclaimers and any form of censorship what so ever but I do think I shoud point out I take no responsablity for you acting out the content of any of these poems.But,if you do it's your own stupid fault and I will use your experience for posterity.


~Sauce's Realm~-rachels page of self indulgence
the international library of poetry-this page features one of my poems 'Midnight Prowler'

This blantant disregard for the english language was born on the 23rd of October in the year of 1999.(pre-millenium)And is updated on a regular to non-regular basis.

You can email me with abuse and praise and offers to father children or even practical things like wanting me to promote your webpage or vice versa.Offers for money is also appriciated.