Last Updated: 7-31-02

Guess Who's Back? Guess Who's Back! Woo! Liz here and I'd just like to say that I've re-opened the site and the search for new editors (and old editors - TEENY!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!) is on! You know what to do, you've done it before! Woo! *NJOEY!
Editor's Note - Just read it!

Quote of Now:
"The girls are suing Mtv because just before they were sprayed with fecal matter, they had touched Justin Timberlake and sworn never to wash again." - John Stewart on The Daily Show

If you are JTimbs, JC, Joey, Lance, Chris, Kelly, Steve or Trace, click here!

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#digital awards

I love Boy-Toy Jesse's ass!

NICKole & Ryan: BCM!!!

Steve Fatone: get off that "cellphone"!