Yes~!I know what i am going to do with this site. it's gonna be dedicated to my cat! :D decided this simply b/c i have out grown SailorMoon and Stripes(my cat) is just too cool to go around unnoticed. By the way...this site is not intended to make any sense, so beware. you have been warned.

This site is for my stupid cat. crazy and stupid as it sounds i and many others love her to death, and i think everyone who sees this pointless site might just say the second thing on his or her minds.No, not what a was of time!(that was number 1!) Awwwww what a cute kitty!

I have a lot of plans for this site, surprisingly. there will be an image gallery of stripes(drawings on the computer and real pics), her stats,my reasoning behind the site(the little that exists), what's new w/ Stripes, and questions for Stripes! It's the Stripes site,all Stripes, all the time

email stripes

what's new? why? gallery links the slave
