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NatWorld Presents

"The World As I See It"
In my life, I have seen many things and learned alot of neat stuff. Like for instance that scientists dont have a clue on how the human brain really works. I figured out more than they know but using my own brain as a guini pig. No I didn't do outragious experiments with my self and screw up my head or anything. I used complex thought and meditation. Using your own brain in ways you never thought is pretty tricky and time consuming but I had plenty of time on my hands. You see, the scientists already new that the brain functions on two levels: The conscious state; and the subconscious state. One thing that really ticks me off is the so called "NEUROLOGISTS" say that the we only use 10% of our brain. I thought to my self how can they even test that. Of course, they got part of it right but that was only when they tested motor skills and part of the conscious thought. But in fact there are numerous amounts of space in our brain that we use without even knowing it. Lets say for instance you think about things constantly and your thought changes so rapidly sometimes we cant even keep up with our selfs. You mean to tell me that scientists can monitor all that and only get a measly 10%...I don't think so. Thats just one of my many thoughts in my mind. To find out some more of my thoughts on life click on one of my links below.

Please visit me more often. Ill have alot more up and going shortly. Just hang in there and you'll have another cool website to visit when your feeling down. And Ill even have some cool wav files of guitar playing and different cool images. If you really want to E-mail and check some of the links I have. Take a tour through the Peavey factory and see the birth of a Wolfgang.

The Coolest Links of the World!

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
ComedyCentral - Home of my favorite show SOUTHPARK
VHND - This link has all the latest news on my favorite band
Peavey Electronics - This site is the home of Van Halen's guitar the
Click on this link to learn more about me.
My Thoughts on things in life.
