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CELEBRATE ROTARY...100 years : President 2004-2005 Rtn Narayan Jhanwar

Dear friends in Rotary,
One more Rotary year started and I would like to thank all fellow Rotarians of the Club for extending me all possible help in whatever service we would give in 2004-2005. Our district governor Rtn. Jyota Bhai has always been our source of inspiration and under his able leadership the district and the club achieved new heights.(Secretary Rtn Amit Garg)
We have been able to justify the theme for the year “CELEBRATE ROTARy 100 YEARS” and Rotary Bundi has succeeded to serve mankind with all its resources and abilities.The muktidham , eye camps , medical camps, pulse polio campaign , relief measures ,water huts and many more stand witness to our sincere efforts. The work of the development of the Rotary's community centre would soon take pace and would come out as a major activity centre.
The District Assembly held recently made a special mention of the efforts of Rotary Club Bundi amongst many and has made each member of this club feel proud. I would like to congratulate our ROTARACT'S and the INNERWHEEL CLUB for their sincere efforts .The district administration has always acknowledged the services of Rotary and has found Rotary ever dependable, which is indeed a compliment for all of us. Our efforts are like a relay race in which the baton passes from one runner to another. Similarly the baton of Rotary Bundi is passing once again to very competent and matured hands who would keep the wheel of Rotary moving and serve the society in the best possible manner. Under the dynamic leadership of DG 2004-2005 .DG Rtn. Jyota Bhai our RI district 3050 would bring more glory to Rotary.
I have valid reasons to be satisfied with the progress we have so far made in our club. We also know that the task of a nation is never complete, thus the work of Rotary will move on and on with new dimensions and efforts reaching greater heights and always retaining the term ANANYA (matchless) in service , in the years to come. ANANYA is a manifestation of Rotary Bundi's journey during the last decade or so and is somewhat an organised document for the club. We have tried to get the best photos and information in our souvenir in the short duration. I would like to thank all for provideing this useful information.We would like to be forgiven for any errors or lacunas that might have inadvertantly crept in our effort. Thanks to Dr Soni & Suresh Gupta for Ananya.I would like to close with the note : (God ,give us enough strength to keep our faith intact ,so that we may forge ahead in the path of truth and never make a mistake by mistake).
May god bless Rotary and its missions.
With regards and best wishes,
Rtn Narayan Jhanwar
President 2004-05

Last updated on : 23/7/04
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