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Kohaku and Shuuichirou


This manga series by Clamp, is about a young angel, Kohaku. He comes to earth, for some reason we can't figure out, where he gets caught in a tree at night. Kudou Shuuichirou, spots the little angel on his way home. A crow attacks Kohaku, and Shuuichirou saves him, thus gaining himself a wish that Kohaku will grant him. However, Shuuichirou doesn't need the wish, and Kohaku comes to live with him until he decides what he wishes.

At night, when Shuuichirou found him, Kohaku is a cute little chibi angel. But at sunup he transforms before Shuuichirou's eyes, to a lovely full grown angel.
We've guessed (maybe not correctly, though) that lesser angels and demons become chibi at cetains times. Angels, because it seems to be always daytime in Tenkai, become chibi at night, and demons, as it seems to be perpetually night in their world, become chibi during the day.
We decided it was only lesser demons and angels, because the archangel Hisui, and the devil's son, Kokuyou, are always big.

During the first little while, Kohaku has a few small adventures, such as seeing Shuuichirou cook eggs (angels are hatched from eggs, so this is naturally shocking to him) and going out on the town alone. During this first time out, he meets up with a naughty little demon, Kouryuu.
Kouryuu is a pretty black haired, black winged demon who delights in torturing Kohaku. He has two cats, twins, who turn into pretty girls, named Ruri and Hari. He's, reportedly, Kokuyou's former lover.

Soon, an Ushagi-san, which it a very cute little bunny, comes to give Kohaku a message. The archangel, Hisui, was missing. Shuuichirou began to help Kohaku to find him. While searching, Kouryuu attacked them. The attacks were harmlessly deflected by Hisui.

Kouryuu was finally stopped by Kokuyou. When asked what was going on, Kokuyou, and Hisui told the others that they had left for earth together, as Hisui couldn't enter Hell, and Kokuyou couldn't enter Heaven. They had met at the 'bridge' a place where demons and angels could meet, and fallen in love. Kokuyou had given Hisui his left eye, signifying marriage for life.
Somewhere during these proceeding, Shuuichirou managed to get many more houseguests, as Hisui, and Kokuyou came to live with him, and Kouryuu was around quite often, with Ruri and Hari as well.

A new Ushagi-san came one day to tell Kohaku to come home to Heaven. Shuuichirou trapped the bunny (and the scenes in this were so~oooo funny! Bunny in jail, and Kohaku's face when Shuuichirou caught the little thing....). Touki, another archangel, came to find out why the bunny hadn't come back, and took the bunny and Kohaku back to heaven with him.

Kohaku was brought back to hatch the eggs of the angels. Only the most pure-hearted angel could hatch the eggs, and that was Kohaku. But he missed Shuuichirou terribly...

The last two stories in book three tell of Kouryuu, and the other one of Hisui and Kokuyou's first meeting.

Hisui and Ryuuki were coming back from meetings, and Hisui veered off to heal a tree. Riding home, Kokuyou saw Hisui, and thought him to be a lesser angel.
He came up to talk to him, and Hisui tried to fly off, after a pleasant greeting. Kokuyou detained him and asked him to meet at a later date. Hisui agreed.
Later on, they met at the same glade, and began to talk. Kokuyou pulled him down to the ground and began to kiss him telling him he wants to go to earth with him, to be with him forever. Hisui agrees....

Next page cuts to Hisui looking disheveled, Kokuyou asking his name. He replies 'Hisui'. Kokuyou says 'You share the same name as the wind-angel, Hisui'. Hisui replies 'I am the wind-angel, Hisui'. Kokuyou is very shocked. Kokuyou removes his left eye (not the whole thing, just the pupil area. He then has one black eye, and one white eye) and fastens it to Hisui's left ear.