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Katimavik!! -- Cornwallis, Nova Scotia -- Kingston, Ontario -- Donnacona, Quebec

Welcome to Katimavik! Bienvenue a Katimavik!

Well, our time as a Katima-group has now come to an end and we have all gone in our separate directions. I will try to wrap up this page with some more photos, and some updates as to what we are all doing now that the program is done. The e-mail address on this page is still up and working, and I will continue to check it. If anyone wants to get in contact with any of the members of our group, e-mail the group address, and I will forward messages on to them. Enjoy the page.

I have now added some brief updates on our former group members!
Watch for more updates as I hear news.

At the Upper Clements Amusement Park in Nova Scotia
(top) Remi, Simon, Bobbi (middle) Michelle, Mareck, Kathleen, Danielle, Sheri (bottom) Karine and Mathieu

First Rotation in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia
24 November 1999 - 2 February 2000
Premiere rotation a Cornwallis Nouvelle-Ecosse
24 Novembre 1999 - 2 Fevrier 2000

Second Rotation in Kingston, Ontario
2 February 2000 - 19 April 2000
Deuxieme rotation a Kingston Ontario
2 Fevrier 2000 - 19 Avril 2000

Third Rotation in Donnacona, Quebec
19 April 2000 - 21 June 2000
Troisieme rotation a Donnacona Quebec
19 Avril 2000 - 21 Juin 2000

Nous avons maintenant un profile de presque tous les participants
We now have profiles of all of our participants

The Katimavik convenience store in Ottawa! (Amanda, Kathleen, Jason, Simon, Mathieu, Karine, Remi, Bobbi, Sheri, and Alan)

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