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Horton High School's Canadian History 12
Web Page and Student Resource

Course Outline


This course seeks to accomplish numerous goals. They are, as follows:

This course will be taught in a two-fold fashion. Course notes, which are provided on this site, will be discussed in class, but notes will obviously not be taken. Students will be required, however, to be familiar with the notes for both a better understanding of the thematic issues brought forth, as well as for the four identification quizzes throughout each term. Having a solid grounding in the actual dates and events, students will explore larger thematic issues, such as the history of women and their roles in Canadian history, or Canadian culture, or Anglo-French relations and how it has affected Canada's current complexion.

This course is also student-centred, in that the major research paper for each term will be of the students' choosing, so long as they've been approved by the teacher through a formal proposal. This allows for students' personal pursuits and interests to be incorporated into the course. The final second term paper will be submitted for the Horton Journal of Canadian History.