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Farm for Sale in Nova Scotia

______________________$17 000 US __________________

20.3 acres (surveyed)

7 acres in field, mixed orchard and organic gardens. 13 acres in forest.

Property borders old grown-up farms, private forests and government forests. Location is very quiet, a mile off the main road, yet accessable by a government maintained (graded and plowed) dirt road.

A brook runs through the forested section and I have made a small pond in the shade along its course. To the north of this little pond I have exposed a small piece of bedrock to act as the foundation for a little guest hut.

85+ year old farm house. Central brick chimney. Has root cellar under house. Has loft above the 2nd floor. Used as the main house for a farm commune from 1997 - 99. Despite its small size (20'X20'), there is bed sleeping for 18 people in the house.

Small barn with 2 floors.

Small wood shed

Tiny winter house with cob floor, sod walls, and log super-structure. Winter house is only ~100 square feet. It is a passive solar design and should still have a wood burning cook stove (if no one has stolen it)

Tiny summer guest house.

Tree "house" near main buildings. A favorite spot for many visitors.

The mixed orchard contains ginko trees, black walnut, sweet cherry, 40 varieties of apples, heart nut, highbush blueberries, butter nut, red currants, buart nut, "Ivan's Belle" (domestic hawthorn X domestic mountain ash), chinese chestnut, several grape varieties, grafted domestic shagbark hickory, red currants, turkish tree hazel, apricots, american hazel nuts, black currants, elderberries, saskatoons, 2 varieties of russian gooseberry, beech nuts, large rose hips, korean pine nut, several varieties of domestic black berries, 7 varieties of domestic raspberries (including fall bearing varieties), 6 varieties of domestic strawberries (including everbearing varieties), wild june berries, wild black cherries, domestic sour cherry, autumn olive, russian olive, northern pecan, wild hawthorn and more! Companion plants, beneficial insect attracting plants, living mulch plants, etc have been planted around the orchard trees. Most orchard trees are mixed with lupines, Queen Annes lace, comfrey, dandelion, dill, daffodils and clover. No pesticides have ever been used by us and the land was unoccupied for 7 years prior to our arrival.

The forest contains sugar maple, red maple, red oak, white birch, yellow birch, wire birch, quaking aspen, balsam poplar, big tooth aspen, alder, ash, tamarack, eastern white pine, norway pine, balsam fir, cat spruce, red spruce, etc. There are 2 wells. The one near the house has clean and clear water that tastes great and has been used for 100 years. The other well water tastes a bit swampy so we only ever used it for watering the garden.

The farm is ~20 miles from Kejimkujik National Park

I am now living in Belize and can be contacted only by mail at:

Derek Bower / Box 34 San Ignacio / Cayo District / Belize / Central America

You may find out if the property has already sold by emailing or phoning my friend Jan at: or 902 837 4980

Directions to Gandhi Farm
Drawing of the Farm (photos coming later)
Hand-drawn Property Map
Photos of near-by Kejimkujik National Park