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Romulan Scout Ship


Model by Stephen L.



Sheet styrene, Evergreen plastic, fiberglass resin

Model Specifications:
Scale = ~1/200
Length = 41.2 cm
Width = 34.8 cm
Height = 7.4 cm

This hand made model of the Romulan Scout ship featured in the TNG episode, "The Defector" is over 16 inches long. This model cost almost nothing to make; the majority of it is sheet plastic, and most of that was old signage from a retail store I used to work at. In fact, if I were to rip open the wing panels even now, there would be sale information printed on the interior side.

The Warp engines and the upper cockpit area are the only custom cast resin on the model. detailing was scribed with the back of an Exacto-knife. There were no kit pieces used in the making of this model.

The model was built in just under a month.
The plans were made from an old Starlog Star Trek Magazine article which published a side and top view of the ship. The bottom paneling was adapted from the small Romulan Scout Micro-Machine toy. 

The cockpit area was sculpted out of Play Doh and allowed to dry. One half of one Warp engine (as right and left halves) was carved out of wood on a belt sander. Ribbed Evergreen plastic was cut to the shape of the warp grille.

A rubber mould was made of the cockpit and warp nacelle parts. A fiberglass resin cast was made of the cockpit and four casts were made for the nacelles. The nacelle halves to be attached to the wings were Dremeled larger to allow the wing shape to fit into the engine.
The basecoat is Testors Matte Beret Green. The airbrushed weathering was done with Pale Green. The cockpit 'light' is painted with Testors Fluorescent Saturn Yellow and the nacelle caps and grilles were painted with fluorescent Signal Green.

The cockpit window is Microscale's Krystal Klear.

Battle damage was simulated with the Dremel tool and painted Flat Black and Steel.

This model was my contribution to the MSFM 'Shoebox' Contest.
The Romulan Scout model was awarded a theme award for best scratchbuild at the 'Maritime Modelers Meet' Show and Contest for 2001. The award is a wooden plaque.

(As a coincidence, the people at MMM used photos of a scratchbuild winner of previous years on their plaques, in this case, MSFM's own Ian R.!)

Photos by Stephen L.