Welcome to “What’s up with Me These Days”

These are my babes. Mazda’s the Princess on the left, and Ozzy’s my little man. (Well… not SO little, he’s a giant!)

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Where I spend most of my time online

My Photo Albums- Kept SOMEWHAT up to date

My new career- WHAT? No more radio??? (sorry, but I found a new calling)

GREAT RESOURCE!!!! How I learned what the heck I was doing to make this site

AWESOME smiley page- good for use on forums and such

Find some new and more interesting MSN emoticons

The most incredible photographer I’ve ever seen- God bless Mike Ash

A Few Random Photos (Click to Enlarge)
Most of these are also available on my Photo link above, but if you’re like me and too lazy them out, here’s a sampling

September 1, 2005
No time for a real update, just wanted to share something I’m working towards. Earning enough money for one of these rings! I’ll tell you about it later.

June 9, 2004-
Officially have my second diploma done. Graduated this morning from Media Marketing and Sales post-graduate program at Loyalist College, Belleville, Ontario. I was quite apprehensive about going to the convocation, as our class wasn’t the happiest together, and I really wasn’t sure what kind of reception I would be receiving. It turned out very well, and as always I’m glad I sucked it up and went. I would have been very disappointed if I hadn’t. I also swore that I would not go out partying tonight, but guess what I was convinced to do after the meeting at our office this evening? You got ‘er! Go party with the class. (The person or people who most often caused tension among myself and my fellow classmates didn’t attend the ceremonies today. In fact, out of our class of 12, only 10 actually graduated, and only 7 showed up to convocation!) So that’s done and over with, I’m pleased with myself. Marks weren’t what I’d been expecting, but ya know what? I’m on to bigger and better things, and this is all behind me now. I look back on it fondly, but at the same time, I look forward in anticipation and excitement!
Haven’t heard from me in a while? Well don’t hold your breath, I’m busy!!!
(Just kidding, I’d LOVE to hear from you and I promise I’ll write back as soon as I see your e-mail.
Get in touch- better yet, add me to your MSN!

I’ll do my level best to update this as much as possible.