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Rocky River Weyr

Hello and welcome to Rocky River Weyr. As you may or may not know, this used to be Resting Waters Weyr and was owned by Rebecca. Well, she decided not to run it anymore so I took over for her! I'm still going to run it the way she did and the rules are not going to change. Oh yeah, I'm Alex by the way! Rider of gold Marath. (see her page below) This page is constantly under construction so please don't get mad at me if a link isn't working or something like that. Anyways, Marath has just clutched. There are 29 eggs. All you have to do is apply for candidacy by signing my guestbook. Once I have enough candidates, I'll choose who gets the dragons and e-mail them giving them a URL where they can find their dragon.

Here's the available eggs:

gold (queen).......1





Here's the rules:


2.You must have a webpage

3.Your page MUST be 100% kid friendly! No adult material WHATSOEVER!

4. You must have your dragon up 4 days within recieving it or I'll put it up for re-adoption. (If you can't put it up within 4 days then tell me and I'll make an exception :)

5.You may not alter the graphics in any way.

6.You have to love dragons!!!!!!!!

The mating will remain the same. I've put a poses guestbook below the candidate guestbook, all adult dragons from other clutches can mate now. All you have to do is when the female reaches adult stage, she has to sign the guestbook with a pose. The males then have to react. When they find a female they like, they pose. Golds, which are queens are flown by bronzes or an extremely impressing brown (you have to be good browns! Make it catchy!) The greens don't ususally mate but I guess I'll allow 1 green to mate. (You'll have to be fast!) The first green I see on the guestbook gets it and all others will have to try next time. That green can be flown by any males (do blues mate?) Then, she'll have a clutch of 2 eggs. When I see that a male has caught a female, I'll contact you both and then in about 2 weeks, I'll contact you again telling you that the clutch is ready. Then, I'll put the clutch up for adoption.

Here's the guestbooks:

Candidates Guestbook

Read The Applications
Apply For Candidacy

RP guestbook"

View The Poses
Post Your Pose

That's it! I hope you like the new page! Remember that it's under construction so all the links may not work or it may not look the best but It'll change!

Here's the links to go see my adopted dragons:

Marath's Cave Taloth's Cave Tannoth's Cave Lanith's Cave My silver egg Mrath's Cave My Wyvern Malorath's Cave


Adopt one of my pernese dragons
My Mystic Dragons Adoption Agency
Rebecca's Page
