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Some Comments on
D.L. Zimmerman's Drawings

First, two nice awards - Thanks

Now, some commentary:

"D. L. Zimmerman draws unaffected but compelling computer portraits that may remind us of Modigliani's figures and faces, especially with their thin, elongated noses. He writes that he tends "to focus on the female form as both a metaphor of expression and natural form of wonder." He is married, has a "great bunch of animals," and drives "a big old Dodge Ram with running lights back and forth to my day job." He uses a mouse to draw and simple computer tools. He writes, "For me, I like low end products that just let me draw first and then play a little around the edges. Otherwise, the basic vision tends to get lost in all the digital choices." From:

Museum of Computer Art (MOCA).

"What charming original art! It comes under the general heading of erotica, I suppose, as some are nude, some are depictions of women of the night, and such. Much more than simply 'erotic art', however, it is just damn good art. I don't confess to understand what goes into creating this 'original digital art', but whatever the medium, creating such images takes a fine eye for color and form, for flow and sense, a deft touch of arrangement, a sense of awareness of emotion, and a willingness to risk one's ego in allowing others to see your vision. Well done! The site is free, and I encourage a visit." From: Jane's Guide.

"Personally, I think your work is exuberant, sometimes primitive, almost always surprising, and refreshingly direct." From:

James Stillwater - Writer and Artist

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Elements of Life