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* NOTE: In order to protect the privacy of individuals, such items as addresses and phone numbers have been removed from these newsletters prior to posting. If you have questions or concerns regarding these newsletters or have issues that we do not have, please email us at: The Corey Hart Online Archive


Shades, the first official Corey Hart fan club opened in 1985 as Boy In The Box became a best selling album. As Corey Hart sky-rocketed to stardom, the team at Shades (which included Erika Gagnon, Corey Hart's then girlfriend, and Mindy Hart, his mom) did their best to keep up with the thousands of membership requests and letters that came in by the truckload. Shades lasted three years, shutting its doors in 1997 when Corey Hart collapsed from exhaustion after releasing three albums in four years and doing two world tours.

1986 Vol. 2 No. 1 (4 pages)           1986 Vol. 2 No. 2 (4 pages)
1986 Vol. 2 No. 3 (4 pages)           1986 Vol. 2 No. 4 (4 pages)
1987 Vol. 3 Final Edition (12 Pages)
Flyers, Letters & Promo announcements: 1      2      3      4      5      6

Hart-Line was the official Corey Hart fan club 1988 and fading out in 1991 after the release of BANG! and the marriage of Corey Hart to his first wife Erika Gagnon. Though HART-LINE was comprised of the same team that formed SHADES, the quality of the newsletter and its information was much higher. Though the club did not reach the scale of memberships SHADES had seen, many members felt a closer connection for the club fostering the hands on attitude Corey Hart has always attempted with his fans.

Vol. 1 Iss. 1 (12 pages)           Vol. 1 Iss. 2 (12 pages)          
Vol. 2 No. 1 (16 pages)           Vol. 2 No. 4 (12 pages)          

Random Flyers, letters and promo announcements:

1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10      11      12      13      14

The Shades Team opened in November of 1986 with only 30 members and eventually grew to over 100. Unfortunately this number was too much to handle and they were forced to turn away some memberships. The primary goal of The Shades Team was to help increase Corey's popularity and recognition where ever possible with the participation of all members. They were able to promote Corey Hart Day on May 31st with the help of magazines and radio stations. We also introduced the Corey Network which involved a chain of Corey requests across the country at major radio stations. In August of 1987, they organized the first Team Reunion in Montreal where they were able to meet some of Corey's management staff and had lunch with them. Then in September 1998, they had the second Team Reunion in Montreal, where they attended Corey's concert at The Montreal Forum, and met with him the night before. They were eventually forced to shut down due to the lack of time and resources by the management. There was a brief Reunion of the Shades Team in 1991, but did not last through the year.

The Shades Score: October/November 1987           The Shades Score: February/March 1988
The Shades Score: April-October 1988           The Shades Team: Reunion '91
The Box: January 1992           The Box: February 1992
The Box: March 1992           Info Sheets:          One           Two           Three           Four

The Toronto Chapter was run by Beth Rutledge in the late 1980s

Issue 3: Nov. 1988 (8 pages)

The Corey Cult was run by Matthew (Sunglasses) Burlingame in the late 1980s. The Cult lasted approximately 5 years, yet ran into many of the same problems other Corey newsletters struggled with. The Cult published a newsletter called "The Broken Arrow" and sponsored projects such as birthday packages and Video projects. The Cult was also somewhat controversial, tackling topics such as "Is Hold On a 'real' Corey Hart Song" and "Is Corey Gay?" Membership reached over 60 members by its last issue.

Corey Cult Cover 3      Corey Cult Cover 4      Corey Cult Cover 5
Corey Cult Cover 6      Interview with an ex-fan 1
Interview with an ex-fan 2      Interview with an ex-fan 3      Fan Drawing      Corey Cult Cover 7     
Random Corey Cult pages:     1      2      3      4      5     

The HART-NOTES was a small newsletter run in British Columbia Canada by Kitty Cheng in the late 1980's.

Feb. 1989 (5 pages)          June 1989 (5 pages)

The Diamond was established in 1990 by a husband & wife team in Canada. Erika & Dan Vernaet ran the Diamond for over 5 years. The same team later began a newsletter titled "Written In Jade."

Intro Flyer          Issue 6: Feb 1992 (10 Pages)