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The Coca-Cola Story

Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by a Atlanta pharmicist John S. Pembrook. Mr. Pembrooks bookeeper and long time friend Frank M. Robinson suggested the name Coca-Cola, being derived from Coca a southamerican shrub( yes the same shrub that cocaine is made from) and Kola (a nut). Frank also suggested the unique cursive style of writing the Coca-Cola name. Originally Coca-Cola( in syrup form) was sold only at Pembertons pharmacy. Eventually Pemberton conviced a local soda shop to sell it as a beverage by diluting it with water, The Coca-Cola soft drink was a huge success. Then in 1888 Pemberton died and Asa G. Candler bought all the rights to Coca-Cola. He also decided to replace the regular water being used with carbonated water giving the beverage its fizz. Until the turn of the century Coca-Cola was sold only at soda fountains then a Chatanooga lawyer by the name of Bengamin F. Thomas came up with the idea of bottling and distributing it around the country. In gratitude for his idea Candler gave Thomas the exclusive rights to bottle Coca-Cola.

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