
General Information

School Supplies and Fess
O.C.D.S.B. Website
The Ontario Grade 4 Curriculum
The Ontario Grade 5 Curriculum
OSTA (School Bus Information)

Schedules, Calendars, Routines and Supplies

2018-2019 School Year Calendar
Study and Organizational Skills Tips
Multiple Intelligences
Grade 4 Weekly Class Schedule

Code of Conduct & Student Behavior

10 Steps To Success
Community of Character (English)

Community of Character (French)

Community of Character (Arabic)

Student Course Links

Computer Lab
Social Studies
The Arts
Health and Physical Education 1 2

Student Fun Links

School Games (Excellent Site!)
Bitstrips for Schools Login
Crossword Puzzles
Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena
Drawing and Art
Tons of online Games
free online Comic Books

Additional Useful Links

National Film Board of Canada
Discovery Education Streaming
How Stuff Works
Massive Links to Learning Site
Student Link Site - Excellent!
Amazing Teacher Technology Links
Learn 360
Teacher Tube
Glogster EDU
Teachers Pay Teachers
PDF Converter
My Sing-A-Long Song Book

“Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.” - Richard L. Evans

Navigating This Website

There are six separate sections of buttons on the left hand side of this webpage. This website is not designed to be used to post daily assignments or homework; its purpose is to act as a learning hub for my classroom community. I have posted a lot of information on this site for parents and students to access but I also use this site in my daily teaching. I own a laptop computer, projector and IPEVO Point 2 View USB Document Camera . I am very techno savy and like to utilize the internet and available technology whenever possible in my teaching.

Learning, Character, Community and Leadership Expectations in Mr. "T"'s Classroom

Student learning is extremely important and the process is just as important as getting the correct answers. Students will be met where they are and encouraged to maximize their potential in academics and beyond. A highly educated student is only useful to society if he / she has a conscience, develops his or her character and is committed to helping his or her community better itself. Correct thinking starts with treating all those around us with respect and kindness. As members of the Intermediate division, students are expected to be positive role models for younger students and to take on leadership responsibilities according to their unique gifts and abilities. The two foundations within my classroom will be the principles outlined in the Community of Character posters listed on the left and the 10 Steps To Success. Reviewing both of these documents periodically with your son or daughter will help to ensure their success within my classroom.

Delivery of Curriculum and Homework

The curriculum taught in all O.C.D.S.B. schools is outlined within the Ministry of Education website. You can click here to access the grade 4 curriculum directly. Teachers have the freedom to choose both the order and method of delivery of specific expectations as outlined by the Ministry.

There are many different opinions about homework and whether it is helpful or harmful. I have included two articles for you to read and you can also search the internet and find many more:

  • Homework: Helpful or Harmful?
  • Is Homework Helpful?

    As a parent I have watched my own daughter (presently in grade 10) complete several hours of homework each night since grade 4. She is a kid who is highly self motivated and consistently does well in school BUT there have been evenings when she was in tears because she had too much work to do. As a teacher I believe that meaningful homework has value; however, I want to balance that with giving my students quality time at home in the evenings and weekends. I will tell you right now that I will NEVER assign homework over the weekend. Parents, please don't expect or demand homework to be sent home every night because it will not happen. If your child makes good use of their class time homework will be minimal. If your child is not focused and makes poor decisions during class time they will have to complete their work at home. I expect my students to read every evening for 20 minutes. In terms of Math homework I would like all of my students to keep a Math Journal. Students will be required to submit a one paragraph math journal entry every Monday that explains how math was used in the home by either themselves or a family member. If I do assign a project the expectation will be that the work is completed at school. I am interested in observing the process as it unfolds and seeing what my students can accomplish in the classroom.

    There was a very interesting article that appeared on the front page of the Ottawa Citizen's Life section Saturday September 3 that I would like you to read. This article gives an excellent overview of the current math teaching practices. There is a second article that gives parents practical tips on how to improve your child's math skills at home. For $5 you can order a "family math problem of the day" calendar through community outreach at Queen's University. Phone (613) 533-6000 ext. 75775 to get your own copy.

    Communication and Parent Involvement

    Effective communication is key in any relationship and a healthy partnership between teachers and parents is critical if students are to be successful. I will send home a biweekly newsletter that will summarize what happened in the classroom and I will additionally commit to making 3 phone calls each week. Some calls will be "good news calls" and others will be "not so good news calls". By doing this you can expect to hear from me personally once each month.

    Here is my email address: scott.towaij@ocdsb.ca The telephone number for the school is: (613) 224 - 7922 . I typically arrive at the school for 7:00 AM and stay until 4:00 PM. I am usually available should you need to meet with me before school provided that you pre-arrange that with me at least the day before.

    Are you interested in volunteering some time? I am very open to Parental Involvement and would encourage you to contact me if you would like to come in and help in some way. We need to all work together and become true partners in the education of our children.

    Thanks for dropping by www.misterT.ca . If you have any questions, concerns or feedback please don't hesitate to get in touch with me! Sincerely, Mr. "T"


    All material on this website © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 Scott Towaij