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Links Online ::: Wednesday, November 1st, 2000

Ok, the Links section is mostly online, and so are a few other sections such as the Site Info. No real content has yet to be added. Because simply I am lazy latly, if not always. I did some further testing with the site though and so far it does NOT work it Netscape, thats ok cause netscape suxs. But actualy it isn't ok because then I loose more visitors which is not cool. Anyways so far what is not working is it is not reading the style sheet and everything isn't lining up properly. I heard some feedback that it was hard to read the news area on netscape, but I downloaded N6 P3 and it was fine for me other then the errors I listed above. Anyways, if it isn't fine for anoyone else out there please let me know! I don't care if it is just 1 person or 1000 I will do my best to make sure their visit to my site will be the best one possible. And if you have any other feedback anything at all whether it be positive or negitive I would love to hear it. And with that I end this nice lil' paragraph by saying Sign my Guestbook!

Now if your looking for the old page that contains all the good content currently I'll put the link up below to it. And please read my news post below this one and if you can answer my question in it, please do so!

Now for the link:
Cheaterz Domain - (Old Page)

Posted By: Zeeb

Another Update ::: Monday, October 30th, 2000

Ok, all the sections are now online. Of course there is nothing in them as of yet. But within the next few days I will be adding information to them. The Codes section will probably go online lst since it will require the most work. And cross linking.

I have also changed the 'gaming' section to a Reviews section. I orignally intented this page to contain reviews but somewhere in the creation process that part got left out for some reason.

That leads me to say, I am still looking for a way to use one layout for all my pages without having to copy and paste the same layout for every page. Because then I have to, when I change something in the layout. Such as the Weekly Showcase I have to go and change it on every individual page. So once this page gets quite large that will take me many hours to do for one simple change.
Basically what I mean is a type of .css (style sheet) that controls actual webpage designs and content. Not like normal CSS (Cascading Style Sheet's) where they just control the font style, colors, and shapes type thing. Like the css sheet I am using right now. Instead of typing out the size and everything for all the links of the left, I just use "font type="bodytext"" of course using the "<" ">" symbols in place of the quotation marks.

Now if you just came here looking for the cheats or the old content of my page you can still go here and find all the old content. For a while I am sorry to say you should still use the old page while I work on this new one and get all the content moved over here.

Posted By: Zeeb

First Update ::: Monday, October 30th, 2000

Well, it's our first update with this new layout. Today I will start to put up some of the sections and then start adding information to them. So that I can get this website up and fully functioning.

If anyone knows if there is a way, expecially if you know how to do it. That is if there is a way to be able to use one basic layout for all pages. And that way when you want to change the basic layout, you won't have to go through and change every page individually. They will all change. And then on every individual page you jsut set where you want to info to appear and then put it in. If this makes sense to anyone then please contact me.

Also, please sign my guestbook you can find it's link off to the left. And please tell all your friends about this page! The more exposure my banner gets the more a banner of mine gets displayed on other pages. And I get even more promotion if people click on it, so click - click - click! I don't not get paid for this. This is a non-commercial, free web site.

And if your looking for my original page where you will find all the old info and layout. Well any information really for a while. Please click here!

Also please use my poll and let me know what you think! Also if you have any further comments whether they be good or bad, please e-mail them to me here! Or use my Guestbook, which it's link you'll find off to the left. Please also vote for my page on Angelfire so then hopfully one day it'll be their page of the day. You can find a link where to vote for that off to the left also under "Vote for Site". Thanx!

Posted By: Zeeb

Webpage is Up! ::: Sunday, October 29th, 2000

Well the new page is up! Fianlly. Not everything is working yet. None of the side links work as of yet so there are no sections created. I just felt now that the layout was complete and everything set-up I might as well upload the web site.

Alot more information is coming the site is entirly re-done. I am still going to be doing the orignal cheats thing just also I am going to be doing reviews, and articals on games. Plus having screenshots of the latest games coming out and information covering them.

If you have any cool screenshots please submit them! You can email them directly to me at later on when more is added you'll be able to submit them using my "Submit News" link off to the left. Also if you want to write a review on your favourite game, or want to have an artical posted. Such as something covering the new Playstation 2 or something. Please submit it! You will be givin' full credit for it.

If you want to access the old page since that is probably what you came here for go here: Cheaterz Domain Otherwise feel free to check out my new layout.

Now for some info about me, I am currently playing Asheron's call and Half-Life: Counterstrike and Team Fortress. My name in AC is 'Azikel' and in Half-Life it is 'Flare'. If you ever want to play me, even though in CS I am not very good, e-mail me and we could set something up. I am also going to be most likly starting a Half-Life clan. It will be under one of the guilds I am currently in called Circle of Shadows ( v^v ). Check out their kick ass website here! I am also in another amazing guild called Equinox Brigade. Their website is here! I also run their website along with juBB juBB who runs CoS, he is basicaly the Guild Master in a way there, even though we don't have ranks.

Now for some cool links:
Normal Page: Cheaterz Domain
Circle of Shadows v^v
Equinox Brigade

Posted By: Zeeb

© Cheaterz Domain, Excess Gaming (Online): 1999, 2000. All Rights Reserved.

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11 / 01 / 00