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I get it, what in the %&$@ does cempedak mean right? Well I'm not even sure...the best I can come up with is that it is some sort of fruit in Germany. If you have been here before you will be noticing a few changes....well a lot of changes actually, I re-did most of the page in hopes to clean it biggest fear is that I made it boring...I took out all the litle GIF's that I had because they were getting old...If any one was any idea to improve this site drop me a line, I'd apprsheate the input.

P.S. - excuse all my spelling mistakes and typing errors, I'm not that bright sometimes...




Bay St. Lawrence

-includes pics of: Me, my family, summer job 2000, the view & elementry


Cabot...the high school years

-includes pics from: the prom, grad cermony, stupid dinners and random shots



-includes pics from my trip to: Italy, England and Frace


Henderson Raiders...

-includes pics from many different drunks from my 1st year at Dal



-101 little things to hate about life



-links to various other cool pages





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