This is a collection of snippets I have created that works very well with the RoT 1.4 codebase please enjoy and sent me any credit of use to Salem.This page is update almost weekly so that I can ensure the people best snippets of choice.

Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility for any problems my snippets may cause. So please don't email saying my snippet messed up your mud. But email me with improvements or fixes of my snippets.

QspellA handy spellup function for immortals
Counters Allows a record of players pk wins & losses
Ftick An Immortal command that forces a tick to occur
Announce A simple addon can be reworked to be a info channel.
Auto-Clan Guilds players to loner at level 15
Note Room Makes it so that all note actions can only be done in one room.
Linkdead Gives linkdead players a linkdead flag when disconnected.
Autorestore Automatically Restores players when they level.
Invis-Immortal A redefinition of the PERS so that immortals when invis says "An Immortal" instead of "Someone"
Note Post Tells players when a new note is posted.
QuestReset A immortal command that resets the players questtime and works well with Vassago's quest code.
Printf A printf_to_char function, allows different things nice addon for extras.
Random A Random Quest code that loads quest pills at certain times in random places.
Nuke A immortal player delete command.
Hint A hint channel for low level players to learn features of the mud.
QuestQuit Addon to Vassago's AutoMatic Quest, allows players to quit quests.
Setxp Resets players xp to the right amount
Pksouls Souls of dead players load to killers
Whopk Allows players to see in the who command is in there pkill range
ForceDelete Another Immortal command that deleted players
Healing Spells Just two healing spells made for clerics
Wrap Skill Its a ranger based skill that can heal Back to main page

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