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What is this page here for???

I have no idea who made this page, or why it is here, but i decided to take advantage of it. I will tell you all that this is now to be my cheese page. CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE. I am a devoted follower of CHEESE!! Cheese is a wonderful object, one that everyone should understand. It is a very complex item, and everyone should strive to understand the mysteries of Cheese. It is a wonderful way for everyone to get in touch with their inner feelings. I recommend it to anyone who is slightly stressed out, or even slightly stressed in. Use Cheese to solve your problems. It can make you a better person in many ways. Cheese is something for everyone, of all ages. If you have any wonderful sayings about cheese, i will publish them here. Also, things about beans, because the two go together rather well. My own quote
"Cheese go very well with beans. Beans go very well with cheese. I go very well with both.... not to eat of course, though, to socialize."
That really looks at the deep meaning of life, don't you think. I shall have to go ponder the meaning of life. Good bye. i shall write more about cheese, life and beans later. Goodbye