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Information of Ships named the same as Cornwallis Ships of 1749


Beaufort    Regular Ship     490 Tons    4 Voyages      1734 - 43
Canning     Regular Ship    1326 Tons   8 Voyages      1818 - 31
Charlton    Regular Ship     818 Tons    6 Voyages      1798 - 1808
London     499 Tons, Sloop 2- masted (as of 1759)
London     723 Tons       1778       Lost off Berry Head
Wilmington   490 tons
Winchelsea   498 tons (as of 1753)

Now the interesting fact about ships tonnages is that there was much deception to evade taxes and the need for any ship over 500 tons to carry a ships boat and priest, which in any event was expensive.  Another interesting bit about the ships boat is that the feeling was - if there is no boat the ships crew would not be tempted to leave the ship when in crisis....and the priest could actually cause as many problems than solve them, especially in a crisis situation, and many felt he would not be worth the effort or cost to any prospected voyage.  Hence many ships were listed just under 500 tons regardless of their actual size....which makes it difficult to prove their exact size through tonnages...


St. Peter's decorative organ loft displays the skill of eighteenth century craftsmen and its walls are thick with poignant memorials of sailors who died of yellow fever or in battle including one to a bold adventurous youth William Stapleton Esq. a Lieutenant of the HMS Sphinx, who in attempting to fire a cannon was so terribly wounded with its bursting that he expired a few hours afterwards on the 8th of May 1754. Legend claims that the church s resplendent communion silver was the gift of Sir Henry Morgan.

SPHYNX,20. (1775 Portsmouth. BU 1811) 1799 Capt. Lord Augustus FITZR0Y. 0n 14 May 1799 the captain faced a court martial on board GLADIAT0R at Portsmouth. He was charged with disobedience of Commodore L0SACK`s orders in not bringing home under his convoy the East Indiamen and other trade lying at St. Helena in April. He gave an animated defence but was sentenced to be dismissed his ship for misconduct.
Capt. 0UGHT0N of the HECLA bomb was appointed in his place.
1799 Capt. William SMITH, Cape of Good Hope.
1803- out of commission at Portsmouth.