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My name is Bryan Keddy and I first started building model boats at 12 years of age.  My first model was the BLUENOSE which I constructed from a kit, in 1961 and although the deck and sails have deteriorated over the years, the hull frames and planks are still in pretty fair shape....

Three years later, (1964) I saw a plan of a HYDROPLANE in Popular Mechanics and wanted to build it full size, but due to lack of cash, I scaled down the plans and scratch built it, this was my introduction to Radio Control Modeling....

After many years, and building 3 full size outboard runabouts, in 1996, ten years after photographing the actual Virgin Atlantic Challenger II while re-fueling off Halifax, I thought wouldn't it make a great model - hence after finding plans and looking closely at my photo's, 12 months later my 5 foot long VIRGIN ATLANTIC CHALLENGER II was launched. (I sold this model in 1999.)

In 1997, I joined the Maritime Ship Modelers Guild, here in Halifax and decided that my next model would be Joshua Slocum's SPRAY, so after reading his book and obtaining a kit from Bluejacket, I built the kit model up to the tiny fittings stage, at which point I shelved it and redrew the plans for R/C scale.

My next R/C model was the RIVA AQUARAMA SPECIAL which I also sold in 1999, and hopefully will get a photo of it to put online shortly.

In 1999, I saw a picture of the racing yacht BACCHANT II, which at present has a watertight mahogany hull, and awaits some more enthusiam in completing the deck, cabin, masts and sails....

In 2000, I watched the replica of John Cabot's MATTHEW sail into Halifax Harbour, and just knew I wanted to build this model, well after many frustrating hours, I decided to shelve it.....and a couple of months ago when my interest grew into thinking about trying to build the frigate which my Keddy ancestors arrived in Halifax in 1750, well I took the 1495 Caravel off the shelf and mistakingly thought that I could convert it into the 1740 Frigate WINCHELSEA <LOL>......well after much destruction it has given me some more knowledge about the differences in Caravel and Frigate hull designs.....

My father (who passed away in 1999) was the inspiration in my model boatbuilding and carpentry skills, and I would like to share some photo's of his work with you.  Here's a photo of his only actual sailing model yacht PEGGY.  He built many of his sailboat models as solid carved block half or full hull WALL PLAQUESas well as a number of DORYtable models.

Now I hope to have more pictures of more of my models here
so come back soon, and thanks for visiting!
Any comments? Click on my Smily Sailor!!!