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Map of Halifax

If you know of any websites for the following Halifax Sites
that I can link to please e-mail me with the URL.

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia - (George St.& Hollis St.)
Atlantic Marine Pavilion - (Waterfront - Sackville Landing)
Brewery Market - (Lower Water St. & Salter St.)
Camp Hill Cemetery - (Jubilee Rd. between Robie St. & Summer St.)
Cathedral Church of All Saints - (University Ave. & Tower Rd.)
Centennial Fitness Centre - (Gottingen St.)
City Hall - (Duke St. & Barrington St.)
Cornwallis Street Baptist Church - (Gottingen St. North of Cogswell St.)
Dalhousie Institute & Museum - (University Ave. W of Robie St.)
Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association
Discovery Centre - (Barrington St. & Blowers St.)
Ferry Terminal - (Waterfront)
Government House - (Barrington St. & Bishop St.)
Halifax Citadel Historic Site & Army Museum - (Garrison Grounds)
Halifax Regional Libray- (Spring Garden Rd.)
Halifax Metro Centre - (George St. & Brunswick St.)
Little Dutch Church - (Brunswick St. North of Cogswell St.)
Maritime Command Museum - (Gottingen St. North of Cogswell St.)
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic - (Upper Water St.)
Naval Clock - (Upper Water St.)
Neptune Theatre - (Barrington St. & Sackville St.)
Nova Scotia Centre of Craft and Design - (Barrington St. & Prince St.)
Nova Scotia Museum of National History - (Summer St.)
Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame - (Sackville St. & Hollis St.)
Old Town Clock - (Brunswick St.)
Our Lady of Sorrows Church - (South St. & Queen St.)
Old Burying Ground - (Spring Garden Rd.. & Barrington St.)
Province House - (Hollis St. & Prince St.)
Public Archives of Nova Scotia - (Robie St. & University Ave.)
Public Gardens - (Spring Garden between Summer St. & South Park)
Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre -
St. George's Round Church - (Brunswick St. North of Cogswell St.)
St. Mary's Basilica - (Barrington St. & Spring Garden Rd.)
St. Matthew's Church - (Barrington St. across from Old Burying Ground)
St. Paul's Church - (Barrington St. & Prince St.)
Via Rail Train Station - (Hollis St. south of Terminal Rd.)
World Trade and Convention Centre - (Argyle St. & George St.)
YMCA - (South Park St.)
YWCA - (Barrington St. across from Harvey St.)