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Shannon Ernst
1116 Bethune Residence, York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 1P3

I am up for new oppertunities. A job that involves working with people is important.

Skills & Knowledge

Skills involve working with people. I am able to communicate efficiently with people of all ages. Creativity comes very easily. Working in the Fine Arts area is my nature. I have experience teaching in theater schools. I work very hard and am able to handle cash and record data. I am knowledge hwo to use a computer and am able to learn and handle new programs very easily. I am able to dicispline myself and my co-workers into getting the job done correctly and superbly.
Life: I have lived and shared things such as a kitchen and T.V. with over 40 people for eight months. I have been responsiable for recycling and cleaning duties. I am very responsiable. I moved away from home at the age of 18 to Toronto, Ontario and am enrolled in a four year Film & Video course.

Work Experience

1995: (summer): Performed manual labour while raking blueberries and picking strawberries.
1995-1998: Worked as receptionist at bsketball games and asisted in organizing and maintaing successful tournaments.
1996-1998: Cared for young children
1997-1998: Worked as a day camp leader for Parks Recreation & Culture, Bridgewater
1998 (summer): Worked as a theater leader for Parks Recreation & Culture, Bridgewater
1999 (summer): Worked as a Special Events Co-ordinator for Parks Recreation & Culture, Bridgewater
- Also, ran and instructed a summer theater school for ages 7-15.
- Also, Assisted in Day Campers activities and acted as a Pre-School leader for children ages 3-5.

Special Skills, Awards and Activities

1991-1992: Member of Elementary "A" girls basketball team
1992-1998: Member of Badminton Club/Team
1993-1994: Member of Junior "B" Girls basketball team
1994-1995: Member of Junior Girls "A" basketball team
1995-1998: Member of Senior Girls basketball team
1996-1998: Member of Senior Girls softball team
1997-1998: Member of Senior Track & Field team
1998-2000: Active Participant in University Intrumurals
1999-2000: Member of Bethune Athletic Council

Physical activity is very important to me. other sports I play are football, vollyball, soccer, broomball, ect... I also excercise by going to the gym and participating in other physical activities such as walking and running. My award include sporting awards such as MIP's and detication awards. My special skills are listening to people, creativity,outgoing, humorous,and I learn new things very quickly.I also take a challange when offered and do my best to succeed.

Other Interest

My other interest include film, history,camping, entertainment, reading, writing, music, and performing. I admire and love the outdoors. I will play sprots any oppertunity I get and I am very determined to be the best that I possiably can.