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Navdeep Singh Resume

      Navdeep Singh

I Present My Self as Committed, Motivated, Reliable and Self Disciplined individual Willing To Take up Challenges That May ensure in my Profession as Well as in my Personal Life. I always endeavor to rise up to all occasion and expectation of my Employer. My approach in my profession and Discharge of my Duties will always be scientific and reflects Professionalism for the Organization. 



Ø       Bachelor Of Degree (Computer Science)

 Nagpur University (1999), India.   

Ø      IBM certified e-business Application development Professional   from

SQL Star International (IBM ATP), New Delhi      

 COMPUTER SKILLS.                                                        

Database                               :           ORACLE (7.3), Ms Access, FoxPro (2.5)   

Fronted / GUI                        :           Developer / 2000  (Forms 4.5, Reports 2.5),

                                                         Visual Basic (6.0), Crystal Report (5)   

Software Languages /                    FoxPro (2.6 / 2.5), Java (1.2), Visual Age For Java,  

Packages Known                             Microsoft J++, Visual Basic (6)   

Operating Systems                     :    Windows (3.11), Windows (95), window (98)

Worked Upon                                   Windows NT (4.0), DOS,     

Rdbms/DBMS/Tools                  :      Oracle 7.3, MS-Access, Visual FoxPro 6                                                                          and  MS- Office   

Web Publishing                         :          HTML, IBM Net Object fusion (4),          

Frontpage98,Macromedia  Director 7,Dreamwearer3

                                                            DHTML using Visual Basic (6), ColdFusion (4)   

Web Application Development         :   Cold Fusion 4,Java Script, VBScript, Java Beans, CGI

                                                            Active Server Pages, Active X Components 


Interface                                   :            ODBC, Data Access Object (DAO), and OLEDB   

Hardware                                 :           Assembled and reprised All Type Of IBM and IBM Colons


Project                    :                Student Information System

Client                      :                Leading IT Training Institute

Hardware                :                Pentium based PCs & Server

Software                :                Visual Basic v6.0, Oracle v7.3, ODBC, Win 95 and Windows NT

Role                        :                Programmer Analyst 

Developed Oracle database to track students, courses, registration and fee collection. Used Visual Basic v6.0 to design forms and used Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) to connect to Oracle database.  Designed on-line ad-hoc query capability.  The system tracks Student inquiry, interests and qualifications.  It administers the course registration and generates fee installment schedule.  The system monitors the fee accrual, calculation of late fees and status of fee payment for each student.  The system reports on payment history and defaults for specified period. 

Project                    :                Travel and Tours Reservation Tracking System

Client                      :                Full Service Travel Agency

Hardware                :                Pentium based Workstation, NT Server

Software                :                Cold Fusion (4), Visual basic (6) and Windows 95 And Window NT

Role                        :                Web Master 

Developed an informational web site for this travel agency. Most of the pages were initially designed with ColdFusion. Visual Basic was used to create ActiveX controls. Viewer can place any inquiry/Order on site. The site included various kinds of graphics, video and audio clips and animation.  This site is being hosted through an Internet Service Provider (ISP). 

Project                    :                Sikh Information portal

Client                      :                Independent

Hardware                :                Pentium based Workstation, NT Server

Role                        :                Web Master


Designed an informational web site for the  Information On the Sikh religion. Most of the pages were initially designed with FrontPage98.and Other Web Publishing Tools.. The site included various kinds of graphics, video and audio clips and animation.  The Address For the web site is


Name                      :                      Navdeep Singh.

Father’s Name         :                      Mohinder Singh.

Date of Birth            :                      16th November 1977.

Marital Status           :                      Single.


English, Hindi and Punjabi.


Available Upon Request.

I hereby declare that all the above information is true to best of my Knowledge.   


                                                                                                              [NAVDEEP SINGH]