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SONGS This is my "song page". Here you can find some songs from The Flying Doctors. Do you know any more? Send me an email. Do you like these songs? I really DO!

A church song. The church is a very important building in Coopers Crossing. (Episode 34 - All Things Bright and Beautifull)
All Things Bright And Beautifull All Things Bright and Beautifull All creatures great and small All things wide and wonderfull The Lord God made them all Each little flower and also Each little bird that sings He made them all in colour He made them tiny wings. All Things Bright and Beautifull All creatures great and small All things wide and wonderfull The Lord God made them all

Kate sings this one after she's lost her memory falling from her horse Toby, when she's all alone in the small house and waits for Geoff and Chris to find and rescue her. (Episode 82 - Broken Airwaves)
Sing A Song Of Sixpence (Traditional) Sing a song of sixpence A pocket full of rye, Four and twenty blackbirds Baked in the pie. When the pie was opened, The birds began to sing, Oh, wasn’t that a dainty dish To put before the king. The king was in his counting house, Counting out his money. The queen was in the parlour, Eating bred and honey. The maid was in the garden, Hanging out the clothes, When down came a blackbird And pecked off her nose.

One of my personal favourites. Emma and Chris makes this song up when they and Jack sits in the car at the way home from Chris´s big operation. (episode 101 "The Gift)
190 miles to Coopers Crossing, we're gonna get there today. We've got no gold, but the beer is cold. We sit in the car, and Jack is so old.

This song is a Christmas song which the "base people" sings out in the radio at x-mas so everybody can hear them (episode 166 "Bush Christmas")
On The First Day Of Christmas On the first day of Christmas my truelove gave to me: A magpie in a gumtree. On the second day of Christmas my truelove gave to me: Two watlers growing and a magpie in a gumtree. On the third day ......(etc. etc.) (3rd day) Three pies and sauce (4th day) Four Nomads flying (5th day) Five flying doc's (6th day) Six sisters nursing (7th day) Seven thousand metres (8th day) Eight Jackaroos (9th day) Nine roo's hopping (10th Day) Ten tigersnakes (11th day) Eleven billies boiling (12th day) Twelve truckies speeding

This is a "celebration song", the people in CC sings it in many episodes for example: (Episode 108 - The Longign) (Episode 188 - Family).
A Jolly Good Fellow (a song for cheerful occasions) For he’s a jolly good fellow For he’s a jolly good fellow For he’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny. or And so say all of us And so say all of us And so say all of us.

A pretty famous song. Also in the Flying Doctors it is used in some episodes, when DJ leaves or when Geoff and Kate move to Melbourne. (Episode 136 - A Painfull Extraction) (Episode 191 - Changing Times)
Auld Lang Syne
(Scottish: ‘old days gone by’) Should old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? And days of auld lang syne my dear, And days of auld lang syne, Should old acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? And there’s a hand, my trusty friend, And gi’s (give us) a hand o’thine, (of thine - yours) We’ll take a cup o’kindness yet, For auld lang syne. For auld lang syne my dear, For auld lang syne, We’ll take a cup o’kindness yet, For auld lang syne.

This one isn't a song, it´s a poem, maybe you will like it too. Baxter reads this on a funeral for one of his jackaros. I like it!
No-one ever says it's easy working cattle in the west. No-one says you'll make a fortune you might just get by at best. No-one says you'll get a medal for sweating daily beneath that sun, or that some-one will even say: thanks mate, when you're droving days are done. Now there's precious little glory and there's precious little fame. But you knew that to begin with and you did it just the same. Because there are other kinds of riches, you'll never get to spend. Like stars and rain and wildflowers, or the handshake of a friend. When there's drought or floud or fire and the going gets rough. It's the mateship you'll remember, that's the thing and that enough.
Vic sings this song at the party where all of Coopers Crossing's old characters like Emma, Jack, Chris and Tom goes together with new members like Jackie, Guy or Rowie for a big party. (Episode 201 - The Good Book)
There’s So Much Of The Outback There’s so much of the outback You may not know who’s around Take a look at the road map You’ll find Coopers Crossing the best little town Broken Hill way up to Darwin When you go over to W.A. (Western Australia) There’s so much of the outback Waiting to say ‘G’Day’ (good day) We’re having a big celebration Old friends will join in the fun There’s Emma and DJ And George Baxter’s gone There’s still Chrissy Randall and the Callaghan Tom A welcome is waiting at our pup It tells of a colourful past No matter how far you travel ahead You’ll never forget those friends from the past There’s so much of the outback You may not know who’s around Take a look at the road map You’ll find Coopers Crossing the best little town Broken Hill way up to Darwin When you go over to W.A. (Western Australia) There’s so much of the outback Waiting to say 'G’Day', 'G’Day' There’s so much of the outback Waiting to say 'G’Day'.

(Episode 207 - Johnno Be Good)
Johnny Be Good Johnny be good, son Now go out any play Your daddy's dead tired He's had a long day He can't spend the time now He would if he could To run around, Johnny And Johnny be good. Your daddy works hard doing (?) engines and such Just a bad play for daddy is And he doesn't ask for much So give him some peace, son There's a good little man And daddy will play for you As soon as he can. So Johnny be good, son Johnny don't cry And perhaps some day soon (?), son Perhaps boy oh boy (?) Perhaps some day soon, son We'll reach for the sky.