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121. A Doctor's Dreaming
Geoff, Kate, Emma, David and Debbie (against her will) goes out to an Aborgins meeting place to have the clinicround there. David flies home with Debbie and some people who have pneumonia. Geoff gets problems and is close to die, he's going to operate himself but he "faints". Kate has to operate - she gets pannic but manage and saves Geoff's life.

122. Blues for Judy
Emma's cusin Judy travels to her idol to give birth to her baby. The child is born in the car on their way there - She leaves the baby outside Emma's door, but Emma is in town to fix Baxters car. Everything gets a good ending. Judy wants the baby who Emma found when she got home in the next morning.

123. The Claim
Tom's mate Lorraine falls down from a bridge and dies. Her mate which she shared the farm with wants it, and so do the brother. Larraine's friend and brother has been married before... now, the brother wants Lorraine's friend Judith back.

124. A Rhyme For Reason
A lady called Pip is getting senile, she gives all her money away. Soon it turns out to be her son in law's fault.

125. Dad's Little Bloke
A young boy falles with his bike - he needs blood and they sees that the parants (the father) has the wrong bloodtype to be able to be father of the boy. He has propably been messed up with some other boy at the hospital but the parents decide to not make anything about it. Tom kisses Chris on her mounth. For a while they suspects that Tom is the father of the child. Kate and Geoff goes on a vacasion to Melboune to visit the opera.

126. A Sporting Life
A boy from Coopers Crossing is a star in a footballgame - on the way home from the celebrating at the pub the drunk father drives off the road and Geoff and Tom have to amputate his leg.

127. A Good Drop Of Red
Kate, Tom, two men and a pregnant woman crashes with a plane. The pilot dies. The woman gives birth to a baby who needs new blood. Help is finally there. Luke and the kid's father finds them. Nancy has to give blodd, she's got the right bloodtype - 0. Annie joins the show. This is Debbies last episode, she leaves because of some problems with her eyes.

128. The Hero
A new pilot called Gerry O'Neil joins the show, she first thing he does in the show is that he has to go to jail. A man with a braintumour (Felix) gets fired but gets his work back in the end. Kate and Chris really likes Gerry O'Neil. Geoff and Tom don't appreciate it at all...

129. Suspicion
Chris and Kate have had a tough day when they gets even one more emergency call at the way home. It's cop's and a prisoner. Chris belives that the cop's beats the prisoner and tries to help him - Then the prisoner turns out to be dangerous and he have many different characters inside him. He dies. Annie's great at billiards - she beats her date Gerry easy.

130. Daddy's Girl
Tom's f.d. girlfriend Megan and her father comes to Coopers Crossing in "business". The father dies when a oilfield explowes. Megan blaims Tom. Tom "cries out" with Kate. The episode ends with some moneygifts from Megan and she was the one supposed to look after the company's economy.