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When did your favourite person leave/join the show?? And How??

Is all this factŽs correct, if theyŽre not, please send me an e-mail and let me know. Do you know anything more than this, please tell me!! Thank You!! Any questions?? Please write them in my "discussion room", and IŽll try to answer them all.

NameEpisodesWhy he/she left??
Bruce Barry: George Baxter
Kylie Belling: Sharon Herbert 1-14,19- She leave for Sidney, want to go to school.
Vikki Blanche: Paula Patterson 71-
Liz Burch: Chris Randall 1-146She moves to Sidney to live with her sick father.
Sarah Chadwick: Rowie Lang 175-
Brett Climo: David Ratcliffe (101-102)-
Nikki Coghill: Jackie Crane
Max Cullen: Hurtle Morrison 1-10, 27- ,71
Beverly Dunn: Claire Bryant 127-
Pat Evison: Violet Carnegie 1-66 Goes with her child and grandchild to London.
Maurie Fields: Vic Buckley 1-
Lewis fitzgerald: David Gibson 2-26 Dies in a flight accident.
RebeccaGibney: Emma Patterson (nee Plimpton) 9-
Terry Gill: Jack Carruthers
Robert Grubb: Geoff Standish 17-
Bill Hunter : Dusty
Val Jellay: Nancy Buckley 1-
Paul Kelman: Steve Macauley 174-
Gerard Kennedy: Luke Mitchell 97-
Sophie Lee: Penny Wellings 173-
Andrew McFarlane: Tom Callaghan 1-16, 113-156 Leaves for a work in Africa.
Tammy MacIntosh: Annie Rogers 127-
Mark Neal: Marty Jarvis 55-(101??) Leaves for a surfing beach with goodlooking girls.
Peter OŽBrien: Sam Patterson 27-
Alex Papps: Nick Cardarci 115-
David Reyne: Guy Reid
Louise Siversen: Debbie OŽBrian 26-52, ,119-127
Lenore Smith: Kate Standish (nee: Wellings) 1-
Christopher Stollery: Johnno Johnson 147-
Sara Woods: Judy Murphy
Melita Jurisic: Magda Hellar 159-173 She falls in love with Guy and runs away from her feelings.
Sydney Jackson: Father Jacko
Justin Gaffney: Piolet Gerry OŽNeil 128-146
Shane Withington: Mike Lancaster 59-71 Leaves for her wife in Paris.
Marie Redshaw: Maggie Hutton (64-65?)-100 Decide to run a farm with her friend.
Jacqui Gordon: Rhonda Lovejoy
Vicki Hammond: Beth Drever
Mark Little: Ron Miller 1-16
Monica Maughan: Jean Hennessy
Lorna Patterson: Liz Drever
Gil Tucker: Joe forrest 1-24 Leaves with a theater.
Catherine Wilkin: Pamela Stoneham
Carole Yelland: Pauline McGregor
George Kapiniaris: DJ (Demetris Goannidis) (25?)-136Moves back to Greece with his father.