The Clinic

by Klancy7

(click here for a printable version)

____ *** ____

(Please see the important disclaimers at the beginning of Part One)

Part Two: Clinical Trials

Renee missed work the next day. She called in sick, another near-first in her career.

Sleepless at dawn, the young woman lay curled in her bed. She closed her eyes, remembering Caster hosing Jess down the day before. The doctor insisted on it, before summoning the orderlies to remove her from the X-frame. Renee heard again the hissing impact of the power-hose's cold water slamming into Jess's twisting body. Caster was thorough about jet-scrubbing her patient, but the pounding stream did linger on the tall woman's firm breasts and exposed vulva.

Renee realized that the memory aroused her, and she shuddered and burrowed deeper beneath the sheets.

Her head throbbed like a rotting tooth, but she welcomed the pain. She had to return to the Clinic the next day, she had no choice. Seeing Jess again wasn't something she could put off forever.

____ *** ____

Renee swung open the door to the detention cell and came to a startled halt. Jess was sitting upright on the side of the recliner, unrestrained and fully dressed in fresh prison blacks.

"Caster opted to spring me from this thing." Jess's rich voice was toneless as she shucked up one boot. "She figures I know you'll use the stunner if you have to."

"I will," Renee said. She watched the muscles in Jess's arms work and felt, among a dozen other emotions, cautious relief. "Are you all right?"

The tall woman nodded, sliding her foot into the other black boot. And she did look all right, physically. The thick layers of Jess's dark hair were clean and soft behind her broad shoulders. Her beautiful face was expressionless, but unmarked.

Renee consciously did not flinch as Jess stood up. The dark woman moved slowly and carefully, as if to avoid alarming her.

"Caster was just here." Jess folded her right sleeve cuff an extra inch higher. "We're supposed to meet her at the arena." After a moment of silence, wherein Renee did not move toward the door, Jess lifted an eyebrow inquiringly.

Renee opened her mouth, then closed it. She tried again. "Jess, something happened to me yesterday. I . . .wasn't myself, for awhile."

"I figured as much." Jess's blue eyes were remote on the girl's face as she folded back her other sleeve. "Do you know who drugged you?"

Renee hadn't even been able to consider that. With as much as she'd imbibed the night before the first clinical, she might well have witlessly combined pills from her own medicine cabinet. "That's not anything you need to worry about."

"It wasn't just the drugs, Renee."

"I know that." Renee met her eyes evenly, and Jess recognized some good steel in the younger woman. "This isn't an apology. And I don't owe you an explanation, Jess. I just wanted to tell you, I'm -- glad you're all right."

Jess nodded. Finally, Renee dropped her eyes and turned toward the door.

"Ren." Jess's voice was reluctantly softer. "It wasn't the first time for me. Even the first time on an X-frame."

Renee nodded.

____ *** ____

As they were beginning to learn, Caster was highly organized, and she wanted things done according to schedule. Six rather large men, dressed in fighting gear -- helmets, body pads -- stood clustered at one end of the grass grounds. As soon as Caster saw Renee and Jess enter the arena, she called out and gestured them closer.

"Here they are, finally! Is the camera ready, Stuart?"

"Ready." One of the orderlies from Caster's unit waved behind the videocamera mounted on a tripod.

"Jesstin, I think you know the drill, here. You're to meet these fighters in hand-to-hand combat, yes?"

"Wait a minute," Renee looked from Jess to the waiting men. "She's fighting them?"

"She's going to take them all on," Caster confirmed with a flourish. "One at a time, at least to begin with. Mr. Benton, are you ready?"

One of the assembled men lifted a hand and trotted forward. He carried a mace.

"Hold it, I don't like this." Renee put out an arm and stopped Jess. "That guy's armed. Doesn't she get a mace?"

"No, Renee. Jesstin's specialty is open-handed fighting." Caster gave Renee a chiding look. "If you'd been at yesterday's briefing, you'd be on the same page with all this. Just a minute, Jesstin."

Jess had been walking across the grass toward her first opponent. Now she stopped and looked back.

"Shirt off, please," Caster called.

A wry expression crossed Jess's face, but she didn't look rattled, or even surprised. The dark woman unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off her wide shoulders, baring her breasts. The bright sun overhead made their paleness contrast vividly with her tanned belly and throat. One of the guards up on the arena's wall hooted, but Jess ignored him and tossed her shirt to the ground. She faced the man named Benton again, rolling her stiff shoulder to loosen it -- for all appearances, completely relaxed with being shirtless.

Things were happening too fast.

"Camera, Stuart," Caster called. "Attack, Mr. Benton!"

Sometime during the next hour, Renee realized she was lucky to be alive. The drills she'd run with Jess had been child's play. At full combat speed, the dark woman was a blur of whirling kicks and forceful strikes -- she could have taken Renee out, fatally, at any time in the past week.

Benton lost the mace after the first ineffectual swing. He was a powerfully built man, his face powerfully ugly with acne scars, but he wasn't a fighter. Jess's knee in his belly slowed him down; the side of her wrist to the back of his neck dropped him. Jess stood brushing the grass from her hands as Benton got to his feet. She wasn't even breathing hard.

The next man, Klausen, was just as big and more experienced. He wielded a dagger. Jess disarmed and pinned him, but he scored a shallow cut across the top of her chest before she did. The third man, Art something, swung a mean club. He connected a few times before Jess took him out, including two powerful blows to her lower back.

Renee saw Jess was tiring. She was an excellent fighter, even an amazing one, but she was not super-human. It took her longer to finish the third bout, with a man swinging a vigorous hand-scythe.

"All three of the rest of you, please," Caster called, jotting notes on her clipboard.

Renee held one, too -- the medic was in charge of keeping a written record of the physical blows and probable damage her patient incurred with each encounter. "Three at once?" Her tone was sharper than she intended. "Why?"

"Because Jesstin hasn't asked to stop yet." Caster sighed, scribbling away. "Honestly Renee, that briefing was important."

Renee tried for a reasonable tone while she watched the three men surround the tall Amazon. "But Doctor, we don't want to kill her."

"We absolutely will not," Caster said firmly, turning to a fresh sheet. "These men may not seem like gladiator material, but they're professionals. They won't kill Jesstin, or even disable her, she has too far to go yet. Stop worrying, Renee, just observe."

The three remaining opponents formed a rough triangle around Jess, who waited, braced, her head turned slightly to detect any warning whisper of boots on grass. Her bare torso gleamed under the hot sun. Red patches here and there stood out against her golden skin, marking successful blows from earlier bouts. Blood glistened at the base of her throat from the dagger's cut.

One of the men she faced now held a net ready, another a quarterstaff, and the third a doubled length of thick chain. At Caster's signal, they attacked as one.

This round lasted a long time. The three men couldn't quite pin Jess, and they couldn't keep her cornered for long, but they could and did overwhelm her whenever possible. Renee found herself clenching her pen so tightly her fingers were numb. Blood made a second appearance after the chain slapped across her upper back, digging shallow cuts.

Renee was clenching her pen so tightly her fingers were numb.

Jess didn't feel the chain. She was deep in the amazonian battle-haze her friend Dyan had explained once, eloquently. Jess didn't much like it there, she never had. Neither had Dyan, which was one reason she had been an excellent combat trainer. The detached fury did feel like home, though, and Jess was grateful for it now. It banished thoughts of both pain and mercy, when she couldn't afford either.

Then the man carrying the staff took a roundhouse swing, and batted Jess in the stomach. She grunted, and dropped to her knees in the grass.

"Hold it!" Renee's yell burst out of her. The three men lowered their weapons, panting, and watched the young blonde woman stride toward them. "All right, back off!" They stepped back, obediently.

"Yes, Renee, entirely proper, go ahead, check her out." Caster was still penning notes on her board.

Renee dropped to her knees in front of Jess, who had eased back into a sitting position, dragging air into her lungs. "Jesstin?" Renee gripped her damp face in her hands and peered into her blue eyes sharply. "Talk to me."

"Good call," Jess panted. "I needed the break."

"Lean back, let me see."

Jess rested back on her extended arms, and Renee passed her hands carefully over the flat planes of her belly. "Does that hurt? Any tenderness? It looked like you were hit right in the liver."

"No, he just winded me." Jess's breathing was returning to normal.

"Jesstin." Renee looked at the bleeding cut beneath Jess's throat. "All you have to do to end this is call it off. Or just go down, but do one or the other!"

"I'll go down eventually," Jess admitted. She felt Renee grip her arms tightly, and she looked at her, startled.

"I know that," Renee hissed. "So does Caster! If you know it too, why put it off?"

"All right, Renee, please." Caster was tapping her pen ominously against her board. "You -- Mr. Benton? Are you functional again? And -- I'm sorry -- Art? You are too? But Mr. Klausen is nursing a broken hand. Well, the two of you, please join in again."

"Don't pull that macha Amazon crap now, Jesstin." Renee's voice was strained. "Go down."

Jess got to her feet, and so did Renee. Renee left the fighting circle, and the five men surrounded the prisoner. Jess steadied herself, nodded that she was ready, and they attacked.

The break had helped Jess -- in fact, it did wonders. The tall Amazon fought with a cool economy again, rationing her strength, keeping a steady eye on her closest opponent, and the bite had returned to her speed. She returned their blows in a controlled and violent dance that held its own alien beauty, and two of her opponents dropped quickly.

But her revival couldn't last and Renee knew it, even before Jess took a roundhouse right to the jaw and fell again.

Renee turned to Caster. "Okay, stop the trial."

"What?" Caster looked surprised. "Renee, look, she's getting up."

"Doesn't matter. Stop the trial." Renee's green eyes were shooting sparks. "Jesstin is not going to cooperate today, Caster. They'll just keep beating her until she sustains a serious injury. That becomes more likely as she tires."

"Renee -- "

"I'm her physical advocate." Renee's bow-shaped lips trembled, but she spoke calmly. "I say she's had enough for today. That's my prerogative, and it's my call. Now stop the trial."

Caster let out a long breath, watching Jess sway on her feet. The man named Art clubbed her hard across the back, and she fell again.

"Caster!" The green eyes snapped with angry light.

"All right. Stand down, please!" Caster folded the clipboard in one arm and clapped her hands, and the men stepped back.

One of them, Jess's first opponent, Benton, extended his large hand to Jess. After a moment she accepted it, and let him pull her to her feet.

"I'm not angry, Renee." Caster spared her young assistant a quick smile. "You're absolutely right -- it's the med tech's responsibility to ensure the patient's physical welfare. I do trust your judgment. And, this was actually a successful trial!"

"Successful." Renee watched Jess rest her hands on her knees, her lean sides moving in and out as she pulled for air.

"Well, we had to establish a baseline," Caster explained. "We didn't allow Jesstin to fight to exhaustion, but that's all right -- we've documented her resistance. Successive trials, hopefully, will bring her to surrender. We just need to whittle her down, over time."

Renee felt a cold dread. "She'll be doing this again?"

"Well, not this exact protocol." Caster rummaged in the pocket of her lab coat and checked her pager. "Damn, it's my husband. Don't you wish men could look after young children, just for one morning, without constant guidance? The second trial is set for day after tomorrow, Renee -- we'll give Jesstin a day to recoup."

"But recuperate for what, what's the -- "

"Listen, I'll fill you in later, hon." Caster smiled at Renee. "Take our fearless warrior over there back to her cell, okay? And let her know she got off easy this time. It's all right to treat her injuries, but remember, nothing for pain."

Renee watched Caster trot off toward the arena's exit gate. The six men straggled after her, not saying much -- more than one glanced back over his shoulder at Jess.

Jess was bending, painfully, to retrieve her shirt from the grass. Renee got there in time to pick it up for her. Jess started to work her arms back through the sleeves and grimaced. Renee stepped behind her and raised the top of the shirt carefully over her shoulders. Then she waited while Jess snapped it closed.

"Can you walk?" Renee asked.

A rare breeze lifted a lock of dark hair off Jess's brow, and her blue eyes were remote again. "Yeah, Renee, as far as I have to."

Renee followed her out of the arena.

____ *** ____

Renee flipped on the arc lamp over the restrainer and began setting out medical supplies. Jess went to the sink and scrubbed her face and arms with cold water.

It was almost comfortable for a few minutes.

"Do you know if you're allergic to aneascin?" Renee peered at an amber vial through the light. "I put in an order for some, it's less caustic than the tecathenase." She decided her tone was an appropriate blend of cordiality and formality.

"I've found soap and water to be as good." Jess dried her face in a white towel. "You can go home, Renee, if you want. There's nothing I can't take care of myself."

Renee studied Jess, and her green eyes narrowed. "What are you doing?"

Jess patted the towel over her throat, her brows rising at Renee's sudden scrutiny.

"I don't come and go at your behest, Jesstin, you know that."

Renee took the towel out of Jess's hands. She tossed it on the sink, then took the tall woman's arm and drew her beneath the wash of light from the arc lamp. She felt the bunched muscle beneath her fingers, and with her other hand, Renee touched the stunner at her belt; but the impulse shamed her.

Jess stood obediently in front of the restrainer while Renee tilted her face in her hands to see the swelling capping one high cheek. She made a clicking noise and winced. "You're going to be ugly in the morning."

Renee unsnapped Jess's shirt. She spread it open, and her green eyes darkened. Jess's chest and stomach were covered with livid marks -- most of them emerging bruises, but also some scrapes and cuts that still seeped blood.

The sunburn flush had faded from Jess's pale breasts, and for the first time Renee noticed the effects of Caster's flail. The firm globes were striped with lashmarks that looked freshly inflicted, after the falls and punishing blows Jess had taken in the trial. The welts were neither deep or serious, but they were plentiful.

Renee looked at the shallow but angry cut just above the tall woman's collarbone, and she remembered the sun's flash on the second fighter's dagger as he swung. She touched the enflamed skin around the cut, and looked up into Jess's eyes.

Whoopy, Jess thought. We're in trouble again. Those be-damned green eyes were losing their clinical sheen; the girl looked weary and sad and afraid. Jess swallowed. Luckily, a bad twinge of pain from her kidney broke the moment.

"What was that?" Renee's voice was sharp as she helped Jess straighten.

"I think it was the second club strike," Jess stammered, gripping the small of her back.

Renee began to peel the shirt off the wide shoulders, but then changed her mind and slipped her hands around Jess's bare waist instead. "I can tell more about this kind of injury by feel than by sight." She moved her hands carefully beneath the black shirt and settled them on the warm planes of Jess's lower back. She pressed, very gently. "Does this hurt?"

"Not much."

Renee's hands moved higher. "How about here, does this?"

"No, pain's fading."

Her hands moved again, and she had to step in closer to Jess to reach higher. She made the mistake of looking up into the blue eyes just as her palms cupped the dark woman's shoulderblades. "Does this hurt?" she whispered.

"No." Jess lifted her scratched hand slowly, and placed it over Renee's heart. She pressed, gently. "Does this hurt?"

Renee stared at her, and she was lost.

Jess remembered that they were going to kill her in the end anyway. She bent her head, and Renee's vision filled with cerulean blue, coming closer. The battered hand left the girl's chest, and rose to her chin. Jess tipped Renee's face higher, and kissed her.

The full lips blending warmly against hers sent a painfully pleasant tingling through her. For a moment, the smaller woman was lost in a sensual fog. She leaned lightly against the muscular body, her hands moving again beneath Jess's shirt, caressing the strong, warm planes of her back. Jess felt Renee's firm breasts pillow beneath her own naked ones. Renee's tongue darted between their lips, and Jess sucked her, gently.

Staff at the clinic didn't knock.

Jess had time to lift her head when they heard the door opening, and Renee had time to step back. That might have been enough cover -- anyone else might have thought they were interrupting a medical exam. But Caster's eyes were too sharp to miss the high flush filling Renee's cheeks, or her prisoner's prominent nipples.

"Excuse me, Renee." Caster smiled, briefly, and slipped her clipboard onto the side table. "At this juncture, I just wanted to come by to ask our patient if she'd like to avoid any further unpleasantness."

The doctor crossed the cell and stood in front of Jess, looking at her body appraisingly. "Let's see, I need some small, insignificant wound . . . "

Renee moved silently away from them. She stood near the sink and folded her arms.

Caster took the stunner from the pocket of her lab coat, and rested the muzzle against the bleeding cut at the base of Jess's throat. "Actually, this is too close to the heart to be entirely safe, Jesstin, even at half-intensity. Is there something you'd like to say to me?"

"Don't do it."

Caster's penciled eyebrows rose, but then she looked back over her shoulder at Renee and chuckled. "You'll note that that was a command, Renee, not a request. Jesstin is forbidding me. Typical. Try again, Jesstin." She tapped the steel of the stunner gently against the cut.

Jess was silent.

Renee's voice reached her from the shadows. "Say it, Jess."

"Come on now," Caster coaxed. Tap, tap, tap. "Just add that one, all-important word, Jesstin, and your command becomes a request. You know the word I mean, every child learns it in kindergarten. Don't do it -- what?"

"Don't do it, bitch."

Renee jerked her head away as the ugly snapping sound filled the cell.

____ *** ____

Renee seriously considered drinking the coming day out of the calendar. Only her resolve to end her involvement in the project entirely kept her sober. Her hands were steady as she slipped her ID into the Clinic's front lock. She didn't plan to see Jess again.

Renee was told her clinical supervisor wasn't available, and she was directed to Caster. Repeatedly. Renee chuffed her bangs off her damp forehead and stalked toward C wing. She glanced at a wall clock -- 8:00 am. It was all right. Jess would be there, but it wouldn't have started yet. She wasn't going to stay long.

C-2 was a gymnasium, brightly lit. Renee registered the presence of four male guards, all armed, around the perimeter of the polished wooden floor. She saw Stuart with his camera, and Caster with her prisoner.

Jess stood fully dressed, arms folded, her face a thoughtful mask as she watched Renee approach. The open collar of her black shirt showed an ugly burn at the base of her throat.

Caster had just taken Jess's blood pressure, and she was recording figures on her omnipresent clipboard. She smiled at Renee. "Good girl, nice and prompt. Will you strip Jesstin, please, Renee, and we'll get started?"

"Caster, I'm not staying. I'm resigning from the Clinic. This project isn't a good match for me."

"Because you allowed your patient to seduce you?"

Renee blinked. It wasn't the response she anticipated.

Caster's tone was sympathetic. "Well, it does complicate things, hon, but perhaps it's all for the best. You'll feel especially conflicted about causing pain, and Jesstin will react to that. It might make an interesting sidebar to our journal article."

"You don't understand," Renee said tonelessly. "I'm out of here. I didn't become a nurse to . . . I'm just not coming back." She hadn't looked at Jess yet.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow that." Caster peered at Renee seriously. "It's very important to me that this project succeed, Renee. It could form the cornerstone of my career. Losing a medical technician at this stage would be disastrous, at least on paper. Something like that might be enough to hurt our funding. I can't let you resign."

Renee felt sweat beading on her forehead, and she dashed it away angrily. "You don't listen very well, lady. I've had it with this." She turned, but Caster's voice stopped her.

"The Fenodol I put in the flask in your locker came from the Clinic dispensary, Renee." Caster glanced about to make sure that none of the guards could hear, and that Jess could. "Are you getting this, Stu?"

Jess had suspected that Caster was behind the drugs, but the blase nature of the doctor's revelation jarred her. Caster obviously felt everything was well in hand. Jess's concern for Renee cranked up another notch. She didn't think the young nurse had ever encountered Caster's perfect blend of amorality and ambition. Jess could only hope she had the sense to fear it.

Renee was staring at Caster, her green eyes dull.

"Fenodol enhances sexual response, as you know." Caster studied Renee with interest. "I stole quite a large amount, because I saw where this was going, as early as that little incident during the staff fight. I put the bulk of the Fenodol in your locker this morning, Renee, and changed the combination of your lock. Sweet little flask, is it silver or tin? Would you strip Jesstin, please?"

Renee stayed where she was. Sweating seconds ago, her hands had gone stone cold.

Caster kept talking as she paged through her notes, and her tone was mild. "Allowing a prisoner to kiss you will get you suspended, hon. You could say that Jesstin attacked you sexually, but I'd refute it. Drinking on the job will get you fired. Stealing narcotics from the Clinic dispensary may well get you a prison sentence." Caster clasped the clipboard in her arms and looked at Renee openly. "In any case, I can see to it that you never work as a nurse again, not in this state. Strip Jesstin, please."

Jess unfolded her arms as Renee reached her, and Renee unsnapped her black shirt. She pushed it off her shoulders and slid it down her arms. Then she lowered the dark trousers. Jess stepped out of them, silently. A sharp whistle from one of the guards echoed around the high walls of the gym.

"Same fuckhead who whistled in the arena," Jess said quietly as Renee folded her clothing. She stood with the same easy grace naked as she'd had fully clothed. "Asshole's following my career now."

Renee still hadn't looked her in the eye. "I don't have a choice, Jess."

"There are always choices."

"Put these on her breasts, Renee." Caster handed the young nurse two curved metal disks that looked like enlarged spoonheads, connected by wire. "They're remote plates. Affix them with the solvent, it conducts well."

Renee turned the shiny discs over in her hands. She pulled the elastic belt over Jess's head and shoulders. She wet the disks from the small bottle of mild solvent, and pressed them gently over Jess's dark nipples.

"Looks like some kind of space-age bikini, doesn't it." Caster regarded Jess with interest. "The tiny breastplates are connected to this remote." She waved a small hand-held switchbox. "When I press it, a small electrical charge will hit Jesstin's nipples. This is connected to the same device."

Caster held up a fairly large vibrator to the camera's eye, and its image appeared on the monitor before she handed it to Renee. "Insert this in her, please. When I press the switch, Jesstin's vagina will receive a rather large dose of vibration and heat. Only lasts a moment, no damage done. Go on, Renee, it's 8:15."

Renee knelt in front of Jess, then bent her head as a swell of nausea hit her. She lifted the vibrator to the tall woman's labia, and it's tip quivered.

Jess silently raised one foot and rested it on the low stool near her, opening herself for the vibrator's insertion. Renee met her eyes, and tried to emulate the remoteness in them. She nudged the tip of the vibrator between her lips, and eased it upward as gently as she could.

"You do as well with this project as I know you can, Renee, and we need never work together again." Caster's tone was conciliatory as she supervised the insertion. "I can arrange your transfer out of the military research unit. I'll give you a good reference. See, it's not all gloom and doom. Wedge it up there tightly, please, she's going to be moving."

Renee did, and Stuart caught Jess's wince in close-up.

"Hey doc, show us the monitor, at least." It was the guard who had whistled.

"You'll have to wait until I sell the film rights, Mr. Dugan, sorry. Just kidding, Jesstin." She tossed Renee a small belt. "Here, put this around her waist and string it through -- the strap will hold the vibrator in place, even through Jesstin's brand of aerobic kicking."

When Renee had fastened the belt around Jess's waist and tightened the strap between her legs, Caster clapped her hands. "Fine, are we ready now? Renee, I want the two of you to fight again. Just hand to hand, wrestling, that kind of thing."

Renee stood up. "I can't go to prison, Jess."

Jess nodded. "Then live with your choice."

"I realize this does expose you to some danger, Renee," Caster continued. "That's why the guards are here. And I can help out with your part of it, if absolutely necessary." The doctor lifted a coil of leather off of a gear on the tripod -- a bullwhip.

"The fighting might last for some time, so call out, Renee, if you get tired." Caster paused, and smiled at Jess. "You call out too, Jesstin, when you've had enough. All right, square off, you two. Oh -- wait -- Renee, you'd best remove your blouse as well."

Renee looked at Caster sharply.

"No need to make this personal, Caster." Jess's low voice startled everyone but the doctor she addressed. "Renee's no threat to you. Leave her alone."

All the good humor drained from Caster's face, leaving the fine skin etched tightly over bone. She looked briefly skeletal. "Jesstin. There are two adolescent girls not far from here, who are kept naked all the time. They are no blood relation of yours, but both persist on calling you 'adonnin' -- that's your mountain term for sister, I believe. So far, they are entirely unharmed. If I asked you to beg for them, would you do it?"

"On my knees," Jess said.

"Then shut up. Your shirt, Renee."

Renee shed her labcoat. She unbuttoned her blouse and discarded it, then removed her bra with the same emotionless efficiency. The cool air of the gymnasium swept across the sensitive tips of her large breasts, and her nipples stiffened instantly. Renee felt a blush move up her chest and into her face.

No guards hooted this time, but Renee could feel their gleaming eyes. She took a moment, and when she turned, she had mastered the imperious indifference that had filled the Amazon's eyes on the X-frame. Jess smiled at her.

"Absolute battle speed," Caster said crisply. "Renee, I refuse to stop filming before every blow to tell you you're not hitting hard enough. Suffice to say that if I think you're holding back, even once, I go to Dr. Bell. Jesstin, if you hurt my assistant's sweet little body, I'll wear out this whip on you. Both of you, consider yourselves warned." She raised her voice. "Still filming, Stu?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Go," Caster said.

Renee whirled and dived into Jess, tackling her around the waist and carrying her down hard. Jess hit the polished floor on her back, and slid a good six yards carrying the thrashing blonde on top of her.

Jess waited until leverage came into her favor, then flipped Renee off. She pushed the strong body further over with effort, and ended up straddling her, her hands firm on Renee's shoulders.

Caster held up the remote and pressed the button.

Jess gasped and flung herself backwards -- the detonation in her nipples and the abrupt hornet-buzzing deep in her cunt stunned her. Renee lifted herself on her elbows and watched, helplessly.

The pain was gone almost as soon as it hit, but Jess lay still for one crucial second too long. Renee couldn't bring herself to strike her with her knee, but their bodies impacted audibly when she threw herself on her again. Jess grunted, more in surprise than pain. She kept Renee's momentum going, and rolled with her.

"The first stimulus successfully interrupted the subject's aggression," Caster said for the videotape. "But it's unclear as yet whether the additional temptation of my -- er, rather buxom young assistant's partial nudity might distract Jesstin enough to compensate for the power differential." She tittered. "Heavens, you gentlemen must be enjoying this. I mean you gentlemen watching this tape, of course, as well as our own security officers."

Renee's near nudity was as meaningless to the younger woman as Jess's was. She focused all her energies on one goal -- to take her patient out before she got hurt again.

But Jess successfully pinned her, so Caster shocked her again. This time Jess was able to release Renee before convulsing. Then, incredibly, she turned the spasm to her advantage and snapped to her feet.

"Oops," Caster said behind them.

Jess turned and ran lightly toward Renee, and her eyes had gone silver.

Renee crabbed backwards on her hands and knees, terrified. She recognized the glow in Jess's eyes as the last light a deer sees before a truck hits it. She scrambled to her feet and ran, Jess a heartbeat behind her.

"Well, sooner than I thought, but as good a time as any." Caster beckoned the guards even as she snatched the bullwhip off the tripod.

Jess tackled Renee bodily around the waist and took her down. Their bodies screeched across the polished floor when they hit.

"Listen to me!" Jess hissed. She was on top of Renee, and her blazing eyes were an inch from her fearful green ones. "If you want help, go to Benton. Did you hear me?"

Renee stammered something incomprehensible, still trying to reconcile herself to the fact that Jess wasn't about to eat her.

They were out of time. Caster's whip cracked across Jess's bare back like gunshot, and she gasped and caught herself on her hands.

"Caster, no -- " Renee was frozen, half-pinned under Jess's long body as the lash descended again. The oiled tip of the bullwhip struck Jess's upper shoulder, inches from Renee's eyes.

"Get out of there, Renee," Caster panted. "Mr. Dugan!"

Renee twisted out from under Jess -- she didn't think, she just moved. She splayed herself over Jess's prone form, her arms spread wide. Caster couldn't stop in time, and the bullwhip snapped across Renee's bare breasts.

Renee almost fainted.

"Idiot," Jess hissed. It was all she had the breath for.

Renee was grabbed roughly and hauled to her feet, and Caster began to beat Jess mindlessly, grunting with effort.

Jess stayed down, braced by her forearms on the gymnasium floor. She shuddered under the repeated cracks of the whip across her back, but she didn't cry out. Renee's act made butch Amazon macha important to her again, suddenly. Blood trickled from one of the deeper welts, wending down Jess's waist.

Renee forced herself to stand still in the big guard's grasp, and watched the beating numbly as the color drained from her face. There was nothing arousing in this, Renee thought, nothing erotic. This was brute torture. She was aware of Dugan's muddy eyes looking over her shoulder at her bobbing breasts, but it hardly registered.

Finally Caster coiled the whip, her young-old face glistening. "Whew! That's quite a workout. I haven't swung one of these in months, I've gotten flabby." She patted her wrist to her forehead. "Let's have Jesstin stretched out on her back, please."

Renee found her voice. "Caster, she's had enough."

"You no longer have the authority to determine that, Renee. Arms over her head, gentlemen, and spread her legs. Mr. Dugan? You can let go of Renee and help out. We're going to need her in a moment."

Jess's face was ashen. The fire in her back spiked higher as she was pressed down against the wooden floor. She knew she would pass out if she didn't control her breathing soon, so she concentrated on that.

"Renee, remove the vibrator, please."

Renee made a low noise in her throat, but she reached between Jess's pinioned legs. Jess closed her eyes as she felt the cold fingers release the belt, then move gently up into her. Renee grasped the base of the vibrator with effort, and drew it out.

"I'll take that," Dugan said loudly, and the others chuckled. Their eyes were bright as they held the sweating Amazon spread-eagled on the floor. The camera whirred.

Caster shook out her right hand, and picked up her clipboard. "Fist her, Renee."

"I can't." Weak tears filled Renee's eyes. Jess opened her blue ones and watched the ceiling.

"Then we go from here to Dr. Bell's office." Caster waited.

"Stuart, could you zoom in on Renee kneeling down, here?" Caster continued. "Insert your fingers, please. All of them, Renee, she's a big girl. Right, Jesstin? You can take it."

A sob escaped Renee as she began to fuck Jess. She looked down and saw her pink nipples swelling, and she cried harder as she stoked in and out between the captive prisoner's splayed legs.

Jess locked her jaw and stared up at the round disks of light from the hanging lamps high overhead. Sweat trickled down the sides of her face and pooled on the shiny floor. She managed to hold still until Caster turned on the current to the breast plates again, at its mildest setting. The insidious, buzzing vibration crackled through Jess's nipples mercilessly, and the tall Amazon began to writhe in spite of herself.

"Look at that," one of the guards murmured.

"Gentlemen, please remember, we are not making a porno film." Caster's tone was indulgent as she watched Renee's strong forearm arm pump on the monitor. "You don't have much in the way of fingernails, Renee, correct? I'm not a gynecologist."

"Jess," Renee sobbed.

Jess climaxed with a shudder, silently. Her blue eyes lost all their light as she quieted again. Renee slipped her hand out of her, and she lay still in the men's grip.

"Another productive session." Caster slapped the coiled whip against her white-coated thigh. "Renee, I'll want your clinical notes on my desk this afternoon. Please emphasize that Jesstin did not resist orgasm nearly as long this time. I really think this -- thing between you two is proving to our advantage."

Renee's tone was wooden as Jess was pulled to her feet. "You have to let me treat her back."

"Certainly," Caster nodded. "Use the tecathenase."

"Caster." Renee was willing to beg at this point.

"Tecathenase or water," Caster said firmly. "And we won't be able to give Jesstin as much recovery time from now on, Renee. That's what the whittling process is all about." She smiled at Jess, who stood still between two guards. "I'll see you again tomorrow, Jesstin, flogging notwithstanding. Your next trial's not so physically strenuous, luckily. Heal as fast as you can."

Jess wasn't unconscious, but she was close. The guards held her erect while Renee dressed her. She didn't bother putting on her own blouse until the guards began walking Jess to the detention cell.

____ *** ____

End of Chapter Two -- Clinical Trials

Coming soon -- Chapter Three

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Images from Xena: Warrior Princess are ©1995-1999 by MCA/Universal