Welcome to the Hole House

Who are the 4 current members of Hole?

*Last Updated: March 13, 2000*

*** I recently changed my e-mail address from CelebSkinC@Hotmail.com to ExoPlexi@yahoo.com. So don't send mail to CelebSkinC anymore.

*You are Hole fan number to visit this page since January 1st, 2000.

*** Hey, and welcome to the Hole House. Feel free to roam around. This page is constantly changing and is always under construction. Below is the directory.

If any of you get "Seventeen" magazine, there is an article in there by the Love Goddess herself, Courtney Love. It's really cool because it's a collection of polaroids with notes FROM her around them. It's in all pink and red. Check it out- It's probably online now at http://www.Seventeen.com.

In the Garage is the article by Courtney Love herself.

Notes on the movie, "Kurt & Courtney" are in the Room Above the Garage. Which, as many of you Nirvana fans will know, is the room that Kurt Cobain killed himself in on April 4th, 1994. (but was not found until April 8th, 1994... sorry, had to say something. I'm a Nirvana fan, too.)

The Attic has the lyrics to Celebrity Skin now. I'll put up Live Through This when I get time.

Photos are in the Dark Room.

The Tree House- tour dates this summer, and miscellaneus crap.

Prettier on the Inside- All of my past updates and information I decided to put there.

Check this out- it's is one of my favorite sites on the internet.

Make Yourself at Home in the Hole House and other sites.

Cool Hole site.
Awesome Hole pics.
Courtney Stuff.
A site dedicated to the death of Kurt Cobain.
Cool Hole stuff.
Planet Hole
Nevermind: A Tribute to Nirvana
T h e P e n n y r o y a l T e a R o o m : A T r i b u t e t o K u r t C o b a i n
The Garage (my next room)
The Room Above the Garage
The Attic
The Dark Room
The Tree House.
It's Prettier on the Inside
The Living Room
Extra Hole Stuff, that wouldn't fit in any other rooms... try it out.

Email: exoplexi@yahoo.comcom